💝 Day 15 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I am worthy of my ability to recognize goodness within me.

Tell yourself:  Fun Stuff!  Day 15 of the Self Confidence Challenge

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsMorn!  Most excellent to see you today… how is the day treating you?  Hope it’s grand!

Yesterday, I closed out Week 2 with Fun Stuff about Steven Universe.  Had a blast making that post… hope you enjoyed it!

And today, we’re starting Week 3 with this nifty concept:

I am worthy of my ability to recognize goodness within me.

Why is this so important?

Well, one reason is because while you might be able to praise and appreciate good qualities within other people….

You might find it really hard to honor yourself for those exact same qualities that exist with you.

To wit:

And no!

I did NOT train the Beak of Doom to do that!

But I digress.  🙂

See, sometimes people are raised that if they feel good about themselves/pride in their accomplishments, they’re “blowing their own horn” and that’s bad bad bad!

To that I have to say:

Decaf coffee to you!

There is *nothing* wrong and *everything right* about giving yourself permission to admit “I have great qualities!”

Because quite honestly, it’s *true*.   And most likely, you have data points in your past that point to that fact!

Sure, you don’t go around telling people how marvelous you are…..

… but that doesn’t mean you cannot tell *yourself*:

“Self, I done good, woohoo!”

After all, you tell others when they’ve succeeded in their goals, right?

And they feel great when you say it, right?

So give yourself the same gift.


And now it’s time for our:

Obligatory Steven Universe Goodness!  Episode 4, Together Breakfast

Here, Steven Universe decides to show the Gems how much fun eating a meal together can be.  Alas, the breakfast becomes possessed.

Here’s a clip from YouTube:


Want to make one yourself?  Why mosey on over this way!

And if you want to get the lowdown on Steven Universe, check out my

Good stuff indeed.

So to recap everything imaginable….

Always give yourself permission to feel great about your achievements.

You’ve earned it.
