💝 Day 90 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I accept I cannot change how others act but I can change how I choose to react

Tell yourself today: I accept I cannot change how others act but I can change how I choose to react.  Day 90 of the Self Confidence Challenge

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsGood morning!

Yesterday, we enjoyed some grand fun stuff!

Today, let’s dive right back into stuff…. and discuss one powerful thing you CAN change when it comes to building self-confidence

Move to:

You can choose HOW to react.

To wit:


Even if its only a millisecond…..

like we mentioned yesterday… there IS that space before your knee-jerk that will enable you to….

*Choose* the wisest course of action.

You are no longer a puppet, guaranteed to move to someone else’s pull.


Obligatory Steven Universe Goodness!  Episode 80, Gem Drill

Steven and Peridot plan on destroying the cluster… until Steven discovers one powerful realization.

See for yourself:

Steven Universe S03E02 Gem Drill (Part 2) by kastriotbucolli2015

Not to mention:




And if you want to get the lowdown on Steven Universe, check out my

Good stuff indeed.

So to recap everything imaginable….

You own your reactions… and that makes all the difference imaginable.

You’ve got this…
