Tell yourself: I am capable of taking ownership of my feelings. Day 30 of the Self Confidence Challenge
Yesterday, we closed with the the supremely important concept of: “I am capable of accepting appreciation & love and am stronger for that.”
Very powerful that was!
Today, I’d like to build on that and discuss the important of feelings and emotions….
… and you owning your own.
Why is that so important?
Well, when you choose to give rent-free space in your head to someone else…
You are giving over control of you.. to them.
And that’s a huge bleepin’ shame!
To wit:
See… you cannot control how others act…
… but you can choose to control how you *react*
And that makes all the difference.
Obligatory Steven Universe Goodness! Episode 19, Rose’s Room!
Oooo very powerful story here…. Steven’s mom’s room is unlocked in the Gem Temple… and only Steven can enter… but he refuses to listen to the dangers.
Here’s a clip from YouTube:
And if you want to get the lowdown on Steven Universe, check out my
- Steven Universe Fun Facts!
- Want to buy some SU goodness? Here’s’s Steven Universe gloriousnesses!
Good stuff indeed.
So to recap everything imaginable….
NEVER give people rent-free space in your head.
Only you deserve that gift.