Editor’s Note: Amazing how much smooshedness one’s neck can feel when one switches workstations. Sigh. But the bonus is something else! In other news, let’s try this! — Sleep-Deprived Editor
Barb Ling of the Virtual Coaches and….
Good afternoon!
What bonus you say? Why:
Because what you’re going to learn right now… can always benefit from whenever creativity/writers block pounce on you!
So let’s take graphics.
“Want to profit with Chat-GPT™ + 50+ DFY A.Is.. using *more* than merely ChatGPT?
So you simply load one of 50+ secret AIs, *understand how* they work, put the process in action… and start profiting!
Now, you’re probably aware… Chat-GPT is hugely hot. Hotly hot!
But, what if there were 4 other AIs that could take your business to the next level? Wouldn’t it be grand to know:
What are the other AIs (answer: He ranked 10x that he uses the most)
What do you do with the AIs (answer: create assets)
What do you say to the AIs (the prompts)
How do you actually profit (seriously!)
So, what’s the answer? So glad you asked!
This goodie lets you create bunches of income-assets with Chat-GPT AND 4 OTHER AIs:
Simply copy-paste from any website (yours or an affiliate offer)
Choose the asset you want to create (it creates 50x of them!)
Simply load the web-based software, plugin to GPT & start copy-pasting.
I mean… why *NOT* try something NEW that you haven’t ever seen before?
Check out all the features halfway down that page and join at the discounted price.
Intrigued? Well then…
You can’t get that bonus ANYWHERE else…
Except from us. Because that’s what we do. We’re dependable like that, see.
Remember, you can ONLY get our bonus when you choose to invest thru our link…
So! Click BELOW at my non-sleep-deprived, even hyperactive, link below, check out the enhancements Chris offers and then purchase those if they appeal. I personally *know* that Chris is one of the most successful underground marketers there is…. And I sure want to get my hands on:
And like I said, I will reverse engineer them all as well when heart returns.
Don’t you want to get these secrets as well?
What’s that? You’d like MORE?
Well, you’ve most likely heard of ChatGPT and how its the next best thing to unlimited coffee or caffeine. Why? Well, folks who really take their learning up to the nerdth degree have discovered ChatGPT can:
🙀 Code software
🙀 Rewrite or even create from scratch, any sort of content like blog posts, articles, video scripts (although if you DO create the written content, please – ignore those marketers who say, just upload it straight as is (as Google can detect and smooshilate straight AI-articles) and make sure to add your own unique voice/tone/style to it))
🙀 Help you copywrite your own sales pages
🙀 Assist you in developing your own affiliate marketing emails
🙀 MORE! (so so so very much MORE)
Just like you have addition and subtraction, and then you ALSO have Advanced Multi-Dimensional Calculus, there’s a huuuge range of difference between:
😃 Simple (tell me 5 funny analogies for this phrase)
🖖 ‘Waay more advanced (“You are a career expert, specializing in helping your client determine 10 types of online work would best meet the client’s needs.
After you determine that, you will then provide your step-by-step reasoning that explains HOW you came up with each of your suggestions.
From there, you will suggest 10 AI tools that can help your client increase the amount of income they can generate, and how each tool contributes to that.
Finally, you will provide 10 ways the client can start making money online with the help of the AI tools you suggested Your tone should be warm and confident….”)
💎 And everywhere in between. 🙂
Now, those “‘wayy more advanced” thingees are called ‘Prompt Chains’ and assist ChatGPT in providing you with the info you need to achieve your results faster than you could do on your own.
That’s one reason why this is SOOO cool…
We’re talking 50 big long prompt chains, already done for you (so you don’t have to learn the MultiDimensional Calculus, I mean advanced prompt writing, yourself!
🖖 It will help you remake all these assets for you too!
🖖 And! When you grab it thru our link, you’ll discover the above prize is waiting for you…
The Future Is Waiting For You…
You’re going to *love* what you discover.
Grow Strong,
Barb Ling and zee Virtual Coaches
PS: And the Enhancements… Click Ear to See!
PPS: If you’ve snagged a product through our link with one of our custom bonuses, you already know we don’t mess around. We deliver top-notch resources and ideas that other marketers can only dream of.
Yeah, you’ll see others throwing tons of lackluster PLRs or generic products your way…
… but our bonuses are a different breed! They’re brief, they’re pithy, they’re to the point…. and they ALSO do value YOUR time so you get what you need… quick (not to mention, with zany humor too!).
In fact, they’re so good that we should build a launch around them. Quite simply… you won’t find this kind of quality anywhere else.
* * * * *
Here, see for yourself: Our Customized Bonus will Deliver to You on a Virtual Silver Platter!