👍Quick Recap: ==> OFFLINE | LOCAL : Pokemon Go profiting strategies for local businesses?: PG: Make Money Pokemon Go Cheatsheet

👍Quick Recap: ==> OFFLINE | LOCAL : Pokemon Go profiting strategies for local businesses?: PG: Make Money Pokemon Go Cheatsheet

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you read in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal how several businesses are cleaning up by taking advantage of the current Pokemon Go craze?

Well... that one page cheatsheet of mine....

==> Step 3 *focuses* on offline/local!

Not only that....

... but the first enhancement, the Pokemon Go Profit Maker....

Step #17 includes not 1, not 2 but 11 additional ways businesses can cash in on the frenzy!

(the upsell to that, Profits GOLD, provides you with 75 Pokeball Social Images (developers rights included....)

==> Start your journey here!

The offline ways to profit with Pokemon Go....

The field is *wide* open.   You'll love what you uncover!

Grow strong,

Barb "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" Ling

PS: Offline consultants are already cashing in... shouldn't you profit from it as well?