👍Quick Recap: ==> LIFETIME: All In One FB awesome new Video Carousels, Video Cross Posting and: A Soci Marketer Annual

👍Quick Recap: ==> LIFETIME: All In One FB awesome new Video Carousels, Video Cross Posting and: A Soci Marketer Annual

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and want you to profit from FB’s new features today?

Well then!


==> Soci Marketer!

Your benefits:  FB’s latest technologies are now automatically available to you via this cool software


Brief pithy and to the point:

Imagine if you will…. you had access…. to this!

* First – Video cross posting.  Upload your video Once and Post across all your pages automatically!

* First – Carousel poster for videos with clickable (CTA) buttons for increased profit

* First – Carousel Slider for videos, images and products with clickable (CTA) buttons to attract buyers

* Plus, Auto share, comment, like, and Auto Private Reply In All Posts for handsfree interactions

* Keyword and Page Research for  names, phone numbers, address and emails for data mining

* Complete Facebook Post And Video Analytics like you’ve never seen before for fine tuning profit tweaking

* Soci In-Boxer for   thousands of email leads for any business (BONUS)

* Soci Chat for connecting your audience on your web pages And Facebook (BONUS)

In other words…

The worlds 1st WEB BASED, Profit Grabbing, Suite of Tools to Harness the power of Your

Social Media Marketing Campaigns Completely, easily, and (Most Importantly), From 1 Console.

Let’s Take A Closer Look…

Soci Marketer… Auto posts Your “Video Carousels” and “Slide Shows” With Personalization.

Allows You To Reach EVERY Person Who Clicks with a Personalized message Right In Their “Inbox” AUTOMATICALLY, Guaranteeing that the Messages WILL BE SEEN.

This Will Increase Engagement On Your Fan page To Levels Only Possible With Large Ad Spends…Before Now, that is, but FOR FREE!  

Whenever someone clicks on your post, they will be taken To wherever YOU decide they should go.


With Our Campaign Manager, you can set the CTA’s to:  Auto Reply  Like And Share  Auto Private Reply!

You Can Have Soci Marketer up and running in 2 minutes and start Automating all the processes that used to take HOURS.

This Suite actually does WAY MORE than we have room to describe here,

So.. If this sounds like what you’ve been waiting for,

why not click the link below To see Soci Marketer in ALL It’s Glory…

==> Catch all that goodness?

And the enhancements?

* Powerful Cloud Based Live Streaming App For Facebook

For those who don’t want to get in front of a camera, but still want to live stream their broadcast on Facebook?

Now you can with Media Caster Live! The world’s first cloud based tool that allows pre-recorded video to stream as a live event!

This enhancement comes with *complete* scheduling and analytics.

You can either wait to stream it, or broadcast the stream at the designated time.   Again, Auto share, comment, like, and Private Reply In Inbox can be enabled from the posted announcement and then from the stream.

Along with Media Caster, you will also receive training to use and a 60-day Free Trial for another software that they believe is EASIER TO USE than Camtasia, for Broadcasting! (NOT OBS )

Soci Marketer Is Built With Facebook OFFICIAL API’s and The Functions And Results are Incredible!

==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

FB Ads Marketing Power Products

My own collection of power FB Ads tutorials online!

Sounds good?   I think so – video is hot for 2017…..

And this robust solution can help you increase your bottom line big.


Grow strong,

Barb “I like Done For You!” Ling

==> ps Bonuses too!  

==> pps – here’s an overview of topics covered:

==> Section 1: Basics of Making Money Online
– Chapter 1: What’s making money online all about?
– Chapter 2: Why you should make money online
– Chapter 3: What are the most common ways to make money online?
– Chapter 4: What do you need to make money online?

==> Section 2: Easy Ways to Make Money Online
– Chapter 5: Making Easy Money Online by Technique 1
– Chapter 6: Making Easy Money Online by Technique 2
– Chapter 7: Making Easy Money Online by Technique 3

==> Section 3: Advanced Ways to Make Money Online
– Chapter 8: Technique 4
– Chapter 9: Technique 5
– Chapter 10: Technique 6
– Chapter 11: Technique 7

==> Section 4: Additional Video Ads Tips to consider
– Chapter 12: Do’s to apply
– Chapter 13: Don’ts to avoid
– Chapter 14: Premium tools and Services to consider
– Chapter 15: Shocking Case Studies

Conclusion Page 106
Top Resources 107
Special Offer 108

==> ppps – 108 pages you can claim, notice how you can add your affiliate links and more, what are you waiting for??