👍Quick Recap: FRESH Personal PLR, MRR and RR: Mindset Transformations! (entire business in a box) including: Mindset Transformation – Done-For-You PLR Package

👍Quick Recap: FRESH Personal PLR, MRR and RR: Mindset Transformations! (entire business in a box) including: Mindset Transformation – Done-For-You PLR Package

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just went live!

oOo ==> Business in a box: Mindset Transformations


Benefits You Get: Just add your own buy buttons and claim 100% profits


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Think about you being able to claim 100% of the profits via selling this training course...


*  Mindset Transformations!  Fully Editable Product

* Mindset Transformations Marketing Cheatsheet!

* Mindset Transformations Mindmap!

* Full mobile-friendly professional Minisite!

* Social Media Viral Images Pack!

oOo ==> And thats just the beginning!

And the upsells?

Video training...

More businesses in boxes....

oOo ==> Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Mindset Authority

My own collection of Mindset Tutorials!

Sounds good?  Indeed... I've made literally thousands from products just like this (they are so well done)... and for the price it is right now?

No brainer indeed.

Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps -  Want to know what you can do with this goodie?  Check out these ideas:

GIVE IT AWAY AS A BONUS when your customers buy through your affiliate link. Bonuses have proven to convert prospects into paying customers! Sky-rocket your sales using this tactic!

INCREASE THE VALUE of your existing product for more sales. You can do this by offering this PLR product as a bonus to your existing product. Customers ALWAYS love it when you over-deliver!

Use the content to POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA profiles to re-engage your followers. What better way than to simply swipe some content out of the PLR and share it on social media! It brings engagement and establishes yourself as an authority.

SPLIT THE CONTENT and post to your blog so readers have a reason to come back to your blog. Again, it's as easy as swiping some content and putting it on your blog. More readers = more sales.

oOo ==> Catch that more sales?

RE-PURPOSE the content for OFFLINE USE. Use it for your keynote presentations, turn it into a physical product and sell it at a higher price of $100, $200, even $500, it's up to you!

Use it in your COACHING PROGRAM. Use the PLR contents as part of your curriculum when training your students.

CREATE A 7 DAY ECOURSE. for your newsletter subscribers. Build trust and pre-sell your list by offering tips via your autoresponder.

Split the eBook into 2-3 SEPARATE EBOOKS. The eBook you get in this PLR package is approx. 60 pages, which could easily be split into 2-3 smaller reports.

Add it as an UPSELL or one time offer in your funnel. Don't have an upsell yet? Offer the PLR product and double your profits easily!

Split the content into 52 PARTS, which gives you A YEAR'S WORTH OF CONTENT...delivered once a week!

TRANSLATE the content to other languages, enabling you the power to reach a wider, less saturated market!

INTEGRATE the product on your JV partner's sales page as a special bonus or on their download page!

Add the product to your paid MEMBERSHIP SITE so you can retain and keep them active, paying members!

Re-purpose the content into audio or video format!

Add more valuable MEAT to your existing product by adding the content from this PLR product to yours!

Re-write, re-brand, re-title, customize, manipulate and change the product the way you'd like or simply sell it as is! It's your choice!

Sell the ready-only, resell rights or master resell rights to this product for 100% of the profit!

Even if you have no plan or desire to resell this product, you'll get a ton of value out of what's shared in the guides!

oOo ==> Grab 'em here!