👍Quick Recap: Chapter 3 – So here’s how I did it.: 100K: 100K in 1 year blueprint

👍Quick Recap: Chapter 3 – So here’s how I did it.: 100K: 100K in 1 year blueprint


Barb Ling here and it’s time to close my story!

When last we met, I talked about how I was able to add extreme high value to my low end cheatsheet funnels….

And it involved greatly discounting a $297 bootcamp/mastermind to $97.

That adventure…

… Well, that adventure happened awhile back.

I had gently dipped my toe into doing something DIFFERENT besides dinky $7 products!

And I learned how I could transform that $7 into not 1, but 2 different $97-$297 products…

… and not even have to create the content UNTIL someone bought

(which meant I was effectively paid to make the product).

True, there is a strategy to it.

One that shortcuts all of the potential mistakes you might make.

And that shortcut you can find on:

==> Be sure to read then entire story because yep – its exactly what happened to me!

You’ll love what you uncover (and the pictures!).

And if you missed chapter 2…


When last we met, you read about how I love making cheatsheets…. but getting affiliates to promote is kinda sorta tweebly because the main product delivers only $3.77 in commissions (less, actually, as paypal/W+ need to take their cut as well).

So, here’s how I solved that problem back in 2014!

I would use my cheatsheet as a low-cost front end, but make sure to include upsells as well.

And because I didn’t want to take the time to do all of that myself….

… I would just customize Businesses in Boxes and stack those up.

THOSE prices were anywhere from $7 to $27 or so….

… and I made sure to offer 75% or more commissions to my affiliates.

This is why I will often sell over 500 copies of a $3.77 product….

The VAST majority of my sales… well, they come from affiliates!

And it worked great.

But then a NEW problem emerged.

If you only have (at the most) $27 products in your sales funnel….

You’re really not going to make your affiliates a lot of profits.

Nor will you be handling ALL aspects of your custsomers (from newbies to masters).

And I realized… I needed something *more*.

Something hugely valued….

… that I could price instead at a steep discount for $97.

THAT not only gives my customers the FULL range of benefits they can take advantage of….

… It ALSO makes my colleagues very happy to promote me as well!

Happy customers plus happy colleagues… what more could you love?

Now, the answer of HOW I did this….

Well, its in the middle of the 100K in 1 Year goodie:

How To Build Up To 100K!

I highly recommend you open that (because you’ll see how the seasoned marketers like myself…

… make supporting one’s family ‘way easier)

(not only that, you receive PLR to what I’ll be revealing in Chapter 3)!

And how its all tied together….

Well, enjoy this goodie here:

==> Snippet of How To Get To 100K
==> HowToGetTo100K.pdf

Methinks you’ll love what you gain!

And if you want to see Chapter 1….


Barb Ling here and it’s story time!

You might know how I prefer to create cheatsheets to sell online, right?

One of the reasons why is because I really don’t grok the whole ‘launch circus’ environment….

… I like getting simple things out there that cost cheap and make customers happy!

The thing is, though….

If you have lots of affiliates, they will NOT mail for you if your basic product is only $3.77!

And it makes sense, you know…

If an affiliate wants to promote your product, they generally want to know they will profit by it!

So an opportunity for extreme frustration smooshed my earlobes.

How on earth could I get my colleagues and peers and customers to tell their network about me….

… if the front end was only $3.77?

But not to fear….

I hit on a PERFECT way!

Stay tuned for Chapter 2… you’ll love what I uncovered.


Grow strong,

Barb Ling