👍Quick Recap: Affiliate NEWBIES: This gives you inside edge regarding *what* to promote…. (and only  to boot?): Affiliate Titan 3

👍Quick Recap: Affiliate NEWBIES: This gives you inside edge regarding *what* to promote…. (and only $7 to boot?): Affiliate Titan 3

This tells you what is delivering the *biggest* commissions (but that’s only the start)…

Brief, pithy and to the point….
This software is less than $8.47.  And yet it packs a huge delivery….
When you know *how* your audience wantsy ou to respond….
You could immediately connect with your readers….
… and home in on their desires….
… their fears….
And then provide them with the solution they crave!
In a nutshell, possibly a cashew shell…
*This is REALLY nifty*.
Made by the creator of the future-trends software for Teeshirt Titan (and guess what – that is INCLUDED in this, you save $25!), this goodie is software that enables you to
Zero in on the best-converting affiliate products….
And then use their 1-Click Affiliate Software template maker….
… that has 100 done-for-you templates…..
… and helps you create the *perfect* affiliate marketing masterpiece…..
Why, lookie here at all the benefits!
King of the Zoo is a brand new marketplace for finding profitable affiliate programs on the JVZoo marketplace
Web based software – just visit the page on any browser to see the top-selling JVZoo products of the day
Updated every 12 hours to find the products that are generating thousands of dollars in commissions today
View product, trends, units sold, price, conversion rate & EPCs – plus 1-click links to sales page & affiliate approval
Catch that one click?
View entire list, or filter by based on price, units sold, EPC, new/rising products, 10% conversions & $10k launches
All products ranked with a unique score out of 10, based on rank on “JVZoo” over last 7 days (#1 each day = 10)
NEW: Hover over the product name to preview a screenshot of the sales letter – no need to even visit the sales page!
In short, KOTZ is THE new homepage for any JVZoo affiliate or vendor who wants to discover the top offers fast
Secondly, you’ll get access to his 1 Click Affiliate Software, for building profitable affiliate landing pages:
1 Click Affiliate is the fastest way to create an affiliate landing page, built from campaigns that made me $2 million
Web based software – just visit the page on any browser to build your top converting super affiliate webpage
Built off a database of templates, pre-loaded with over 100 top-converting super affiliate paragraphs, headlines etc
Catch those 100s of templates?
STEP 1: Start by entering keywords that relate to your chosen promotion (product name, nice, benefits etc)
The software now inserts these words into a collection of paragraphs, HTML blocks and other templates
All these templates were written by me (a copywriter who has sold over $20 million worth of products online)
STEP 2: Simply browse all the available templates and click the ones you like to add them to the clipboard
STEP 3: Now visit the clipboard, export your HTML, and upload it to your website, ready to start profiting
It’s THE easiest way to build affiliate landing pages that are PROVEN to bank commissions FAST
And that’s just the Affiliate Titan software package – but there’s even more…
2 complete systems on profiting with affiliate marketing + JVZoo, Clickbank, Google YouTube & much more
A quick start guide that shows you how to get started within minutes
Plus secret hidden videos where I explain all my secret tips and tricks
Training videos – how to use the software & start profiting with affiliate marketing today
Future upgrades, training & more – we supported Video Titan for 8 months. This is just the beginning!
Start your journey here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Affiliate Marketing Goldmine
An eclass for maxing affiliate profits!
Sounds good?  Indeed – being the first on leaderboards and beefing up your affiliate income…..
Grow strong,
Barbara “Convert!” Ling
ps –  Bonuses too!