💝 Day 1 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I Am Above Ground

💝 Day 1 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I Am Above Ground

Tell Yourself Today:  Day 1 of the Self Confidence Challenge – I Am Above Ground

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsOne of the biggest challenges folks who lack self-confidence have….

…. is to see the Big Picture.

And one big huge part of that Big Picture is recognizing you *still can* gain the self-confidence you deserve….

.. in other words, you’re not dead yet.

That’s pretty powerful stuff, you know.

Because if you were dead, it would be all over.

You’d never even have the chance to evolve into the person you’re destined to become!


For Day 1 of the Self Confidence Challenge, tell yourself:

“I am above ground… there’s hope for me!”

If you’re comfy with looking at yourself in the mirror, find a mirror and repeat this to yourself.


The art of self-confidence is a journey.

And this particular journey, like all journeys…. requires a single step to begin!

Accepting *you* have the *choice* to *begin* or not…

Well, that’s powerful.

Nobody else can deny the fact, yep, you’re above ground….

… and you can *choose to recognize that* and give yourself permission that indeed…

You ARE worthy of developing self-confidence.

You really are.

Fact is, when your self-confidence grows….

  • Panic attacks?  They can decrease….
  • Anxiety attacks?  Those can decrease too!
  • Lack of self-worth feelings?  Bye bye!

So giving yourself permission to increase your self-confidence….

‘Tis a grand thing indeed….

And recognizing you truly have the opportunity to even begin…

It’s gold.

Sure, growing your self confidence can be scary…

It requires bunches of little steps!

And sometimes… you really don’t feel like doing it all.

If that’s you right now, you might enjoy:

I’ll show you exactly how to make peace with that… and begin today.
