💝 Day 7 of the Self Confidence Challenge – Fun Stuff!

💝 Day 7 of the Self Confidence Challenge – Fun Stuff!

Fun Stuff – Day 7 of the Self Confidence Challenge

Click HERE to join the Self Confidence Challenge! http://asksfi.com/scsIt’s Sunday and a day of rest!

Hopefully, that is.   And if you can take a break, here are some nifty goodies to inspire you for Week 2 that is starting tomorrow!

First, let’s talk chrome.  Google chrome.  Did you know you could add extensions so when you open a new browser tab, you get an inspirational quote or image or goodies like that?

Check out:

That’s a lot.  Wheee!

Next!  Want something adorable to watch?

Okay that last one was a parody of the Old Spice Guy….

Gotta love the Muppets!

And finally, courtesy of my youngest:

“What is the earliest recording of people who always keep their temper?”

“No mads!”

Get it?  No Mads?  Nomads?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAcoffee.  🙂

Hope you have a fantastic close of the week… and stay tuned for Week 2, Day 1….

I think you’ll really enjoy the topic!