The Ultimate Guide to Selling on Pinterest: Expert Tips and Tricks

Are you ready to take your online sales to the next level? Look no further than Pinterest – the ultimate platform for selling products and building brand awareness. In this comprehensive guide, we will dive into expert tips and tricks that will help you master the art of selling on Pinterest. From optimizing your profile to creating irresistible pins, get ready to skyrocket your business with our ultimate guide!

Pinterest as a Sales Platform

Pinterest is not only an online platform for inspiration and creativity, but it has also become a powerful tool for businesses to drive sales. With over 450 million users worldwide, Pinterest provides a unique opportunity for brands to reach potential customers and showcase their products or services in a visually appealing way.

What sets Pinterest apart from other social media platforms is its focus on visual content. Users can save and organize images, known as “pins”, into boards based on different themes or interests. This makes it the perfect platform for businesses that have visually appealing products such as home decor, fashion, food, travel, and more.

Creating an Account

The first step to using Pinterest as a sales platform is creating a business account. Business accounts offer additional features like analytics and advertising options that are not available on personal accounts. When setting up your account, make sure to optimize your profile with relevant keywords in your username and bio to improve your visibility in search results.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into selling on Pinterest, it’s important to understand who your target audience is and what they are looking for. Conducting market research can help you tailor your content towards the interests of your audience and create pins that resonate with them.

Creating Eye-Catching Pins

The key to success on Pinterest is eye-catching visuals that stand out from the rest. High-quality images or graphics with bright colors tend to perform better than dull ones. Make sure product photos are well-lit and showcase the details of the item clearly. Creating multiple pins for each product using different layouts or designs can also help attract more attention.

Utilizing Keywords & Descriptions

Pinterest operates like a search engine rather than a social media platform, so incorporating relevant keywords into your pin descriptions increases the chances of them being discovered by users searching for those terms. Use keyword-rich descriptions that accurately describe your product while also providing value or solving a problem for the user.

The Power of Visuals: Utilizing Pinterest’s Layout and Aesthetic

Pinterest is a highly visual platform, known for its visually appealing layout and aesthetic. This unique feature makes it an ideal platform for businesses to showcase their products and services in a visually attractive manner. In this section, we will explore the power of visuals on Pinterest and how you can effectively utilize the platform’s layout and aesthetic to boost your sales.

Firstly, let’s talk about the importance of visuals on Pinterest. According to research, 85% of Pinterest users say that they use the platform specifically to plan purchases. This means that users are actively looking for inspiration and ideas on what to buy. Visuals play a crucial role in capturing the attention of these potential customers and enticing them to make a purchase.

One way to utilize Pinterest’s layout is by creating visually appealing boards. With Pinterest’s grid-like layout, having eye-catching images organized into themed boards can be very effective in grabbing attention. Make sure your board covers are cohesive and representative of your brand or business.

In addition, utilizing high-quality images is key when it comes to visuals on Pinterest. Poor quality images can easily get lost among the thousands of other pins on the platform. Use crisp, clear images that showcase your products or services in an attractive way. You can also add text overlays or graphics to make your pins stand out even more.

Another powerful tool available on Pinterest is Rich Pins. These pins contain extra information such as product details, pricing, website link, etc., making it easier for users to access all relevant information without leaving the platform. Utilizing Rich Pins allows for a seamless shopping experience for potential customers which can ultimately lead to increased sales.

The aesthetics of your pins also play a significant role in attracting users’ attention and keeping them engaged with your content. Make sure your pins are aesthetically pleasing by using cohesive colors and fonts that align with your brand image. Consider incorporating lifestyle shots or context photos alongside product shots as well as different angles and creative compositions to add variety to your pins.

Don’t forget to optimize your visuals for mobile. As a visual platform, Pinterest is heavily used on mobile devices. This means that your images should be optimized for smaller screens and load quickly. Compressing your images before uploading them can help with this.

Leveraging Keywords and Hashtags for Searchability

One of the most crucial aspects of selling on Pinterest is making your products easily discoverable by potential customers. With over 400 million active users and millions of pins being added every day, it’s easy for your pins to get lost in the sea of content. That’s where keywords and hashtags come into play – they can significantly improve the searchability of your pins and make them more visible to your target audience.

Keywords are words or phrases that describe your product or niche. They help Pinterest understand what your pin is about and who it should be shown to. Just like traditional SEO (search engine optimization), keyword research is essential when it comes to optimizing your pins for search engines on Pinterest.

The first step in leveraging keywords for searchability is identifying relevant and high-ranking keywords in your industry. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, or even Pinterest’s own guided search feature to find popular keywords related to your product.

Once you have a list of potential keywords, incorporate them into strategic areas such as pin titles, descriptions, boards, board names, and even in your profile bio. However, make sure not to stuff irrelevant keywords as this can negatively impact both user experience and search engine rankings.

Another effective way to boost the visibility of your pins is by using hashtags. These are specific words or phrases preceded by a pound sign (#) that categorize content into topics or themes. They work similarly to keywords but with a more social aspect – allowing users to discover new content based on interests rather than just descriptions.

When selecting hashtags for your pins, make sure they are relevant and popular within your niche. A quick way to find trending hashtags is through the ‘Explore’ tab on Pinterest or using tools like or RiteTag.

It’s recommended to include 2-4 hashtags in each pin description but avoid using too many as it can appear spammy. It’s also helpful to create a branded hashtag for your business, making it easier for users to find all your content in one place.

Understanding Your Target Audience on Pinterest

One crucial aspect of successful selling on Pinterest is understanding your target audience. With over 400 million active users, it is essential to know who you are trying to reach and what content they are interested in to maximize your success on the platform.

First and foremost, it is important to understand the demographics of Pinterest users. According to recent data, 71% of Pinterest users are female, with a majority falling into the 18-64 age range. Furthermore, about 39% of adults in the US use Pinterest actively. This information can help you tailor your content and marketing strategies accordingly.

Another key factor in understanding your target audience on Pinterest is knowing their interests and behavior patterns. Pinterest users are largely looking for inspiration and ideas for home decor, fashion, food, travel, health & wellness, and DIY projects. They also tend to be planner-oriented individuals who enjoy creating boards for future reference or organization.

Knowing this information about your target audience allows you to create visually appealing content that caters to their interests effectively. For example, if your business sells home decor products targeted towards women aged 25-34 years old, you may want to create boards that offer design inspiration using your products or showcase how-to guides for decorating various rooms in a house.

On top of demographics and interests, examining user behavior on the platform can give valuable insights into optimizing your content strategy further. According to studies, pins with vertical images receive more engagement than horizontal ones as they take up more space on the screen. Similarly, adding descriptions with relevant keywords can improve visibility in search results.

Creating Engaging Pins That Drive Sales

Pinterest is a visual platform, which means that the key to successfully selling on this platform lies in creating engaging and eye-catching pins. In order to drive sales through your Pinterest account, you need to create pins that not only capture the attention of users but also entice them to click through and make a purchase.

Here are some expert tips and tricks for creating engaging pins that are sure to drive sales on Pinterest:

1. Use high-quality images: Since pinners are drawn towards aesthetically pleasing visuals, it is crucial to use high-quality images for your pins. This will make your content stand out amidst the sea of other pins and attract more clicks.

2. Add text overlays: While images can speak volumes, adding text overlays can help convey your message more effectively. Make sure to use easy-to-read fonts and limit the amount of text you add so as not to overwhelm the pin.

3. Incorporate branding elements: Branding plays an important role in marketing your products or services on Pinterest. Incorporate your logo or brand colors into your pins so that they are easily recognizable and helps with brand recognition.

4. Utilize seasonal trends: Keeping up with seasonal trends is a great way to stay relevant and connect with potential customers on Pinterest. Create special themed boards or design seasonal graphics for added interest.

5. Tell a story: Pins that tell a story tend to be more engaging than just product shots with no context. Use multiple photos or add a brief description in the caption section of your pin to give viewers a better understanding of what you have to offer.

6. Include calls-to-action (CTA): Adding CTAs such as “Shop now”, “Learn More” or “Sign Up” can encourage users to take action after viewing your pin, thus driving sales for your business.

7. Optimize for mobile: With over 80% of Pinterest users accessing the platform through their mobile devices, it is important to optimize your pins for mobile viewing. Make sure your images are not too small or zoomed in and use a vertical aspect ratio for better visibility on smartphones.

8. Experiment with video pins: Video pins are an effective way to engage users and give them a closer look at your products or services. Keep them short, interesting and include a CTA to increase click-through rates.

Using Collaborations and Influencers to Boost Your Reach

Collaborations and influencer partnerships have become a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and increase brand awareness. And with over 450 million monthly active users on Pinterest, it’s no surprise that many brands are turning to collaborations and influencers to help them succeed on the platform.

But what exactly are collaborations and how can they benefit your business? Collaborations involve partnering with another business or individual to create content, promote products, or co-create campaigns. These collaborations often take place between brands within the same industry or with influencers who have a strong following on Pinterest.

One of the main benefits of collaborations is that it allows you to tap into an existing audience who may not be familiar with your brand yet. This can help boost your reach and attract new customers who may be interested in your products or services. Additionally, collaborating with other businesses or influencers can also add credibility to your brand, as their followers trust their recommendations and are more likely to engage with your content.

When choosing collaborators for a Pinterest campaign, it’s important to consider their audience demographics and if they align with your target audience. For example, if you’re a beauty brand targeting young women, collaborating with a fashion blogger who has a similar demographic would be more effective than collaborating with a food blogger whose audience consists mainly of older adults.

Another key aspect of successful collaborations is having clear goals and objectives from the start. Communicate what you hope to achieve through the collaboration, whether it’s increasing website traffic, boosting sales, or gaining new followers. This will ensure that both parties are working towards the same goal and can measure the success of the collaboration accurately.

Influencers also play a crucial role in boosting reach on Pinterest. These individuals have built up a dedicated following through consistently sharing quality content that resonates with their audience. By partnering with influencers who align with your brand values and target audience, you can tap into their loyal following and potentially gain new followers and customers.

To maximize the impact of an influencer collaboration, make sure to provide them with high-quality visuals and clear messaging that aligns with your brand. This will ensure that their content is on-brand and resonates with their audience. You can also consider running a Pinterest giveaway or hosting a joint event with your influencer partner to further promote your products or services.

Analyzing Data and Adjusting Your Strategy for Maximum Results

One of the most important aspects of successfully selling on Pinterest is understanding and analyzing your data. This means tracking and measuring your results to gain insights into what works best for your target audience. By carefully analyzing this data, you can make informed decisions on how to adjust your strategy for maximum results.

The first step in analyzing data is to set specific goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your Pinterest account. These could include metrics such as clicks, saves, and conversions. By setting these goals, you can easily track your progress and determine the effectiveness of your efforts.

Next, utilize Pinterest Analytics to gain a deeper understanding of your audience and their behaviors. This tool provides valuable information such as demographics, interests, and top-performing pins. Use this data to identify trends and patterns that can help inform your strategy moving forward.

In addition to Pinterest Analytics, there are also numerous third-party tools available that offer more advanced analytics and reporting features. These tools can be especially useful for businesses with larger budgets or those looking for more detailed insights into their Pinterest performance.

Once you have gathered all necessary data, it’s time to analyze it in order to make strategic adjustments. Look at which pins are driving the most engagement and why – from design elements to keywords used in descriptions. You may discover certain themes or styles that resonate particularly well with your audience.

Furthermore, pay attention to popular boards within your niche or industry on Pinterest. Analyze their content strategies and identify any patterns or techniques they are using that you could incorporate into your own strategy.

It’s also important to regularly review click-through rates (CTR) on both individual pins and overall boards. If a particular pin isn’t performing well in terms of CTR, consider changing up the image or description to see if it improves engagement.

Monitoring conversions is essential when it comes to selling on Pinterest. Use Google Analytics or other tracking tools to measure website visits and sales from Pinterest. This information can help you determine which pins and boards are leading to the most conversions, allowing you to adjust your strategy accordingly.

Tips for Seamlessly Integrating E-commerce into your Pinterest Page

As e-commerce continues to grow in popularity, it’s important for businesses to find effective ways to integrate it into their social media strategy. Pinterest, with its visually stunning platform and strong focus on shopping, is the perfect platform for businesses looking to sell online. In this section, we will discuss some tips for seamlessly integrating e-commerce into your Pinterest page.

1. Utilize Rich Pins: Rich Pins are pins that include extra information directly from your website. They make it easier for users to make purchases or learn more about a product without leaving Pinterest. By enabling rich pins, you can showcase product prices, availability and purchase links right on your pins.

2. Create Product Boards: Organizing your products into themed boards is not only aesthetically pleasing but also makes it easier for users to find what they are looking for. Make sure to add detailed descriptions and relevant keywords to each board as this will help improve the discoverability of your products.

3. Use High-Quality Images: Since Pinterest is a visual platform, high-quality images are key when it comes to showcasing your products and attracting potential buyers. Make sure your images are clear, well-lit and accurately represent your product.

4. Add Buyable Pins: Buyable Pins allow users to purchase products directly from the pin itself without having to leave Pinterest or visit another website. These pins display a blue “Buy It” button next to the regular “Pin It” button making them stand out in users’ feeds.

5.Add Price Tags: Similar to Buyable Pins, price tags appear on top of a pin’s image indicating the cost of the product featured in the pin. This small addition can increase clicks and conversions as many consumers appreciate transparency when it comes to pricing.

6.Optimize Your Website: When using rich pins or buyable pins, it’s crucial that your website is optimized for mobile devices as most people use Pinterest on their phones or tablets. Having a seamless mobile shopping experience is essential for converting your pins into sales.

7. Promote Your Pins: To reach a wider audience and increase the chances of making sales, consider promoting your pins. With Pinterest’s advertising options, you can target specific demographics or interests, which can be highly beneficial for e-commerce businesses.

8. Engage with Your Audience: Don’t forget to engage with your followers and potential customers on Pinterest. Respond to comments and questions about your products and take the time to interact with other users’ content as well. This will help build a relationship with your audience and improve their trust in your brand.


As you can see, there are countless opportunities for businesses to use Pinterest as a powerful marketing tool. By implementing these expert tips and tricks, you can optimize your presence on the platform and reach a wider audience of potential customers. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, selling on Pinterest is a valuable strategy that shouldn’t be overlooked. Use this ultimate guide as a roadmap towards success on one of the fastest-growing social media platforms today!

Originally Appeared Here

Author: Rayne Chancer