The Most Relevant Mobile Marketing Statistics in 2024

You grab your phone, open the app you need and you’re suddenly greeted by an ad.

Most probably of something you recently researched online. Or something you just mentioned in conversation with your friends, but let’s not get into that right now.

Sounds like a familiar scenario? It happens to most of the 3.8 billion people worldwide that own a smartphone.

Ah, the beauty of mobile marketing.

That’s not the most shocking number, by the way.

Here Are Some More Mobile Marketing Statistics to Blow Your Hat Off

Mobile Marketing Statistics - image 1

  • People spend around 5 hours a day on their smartphones.
  • 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones.
  • 80% of the top-ranked websites are mobile-friendly.
  • 61% of users will never return to a website that is not mobile-friendly.
  • 80% of smartphone users will buy from companies with mobile sites and apps that are easy to navigate.
  • 70% of the searches made on mobile phones lead to online action.
  • Mobile phone data usage is predicted to grow 46% by 2022.

If you’re still not convinced that mobile marketing is a vital asset to any marketing campaign, we have even more fascinating mobile marketing stats prepared for you.

How many people have smartphones? How much time do they spend online? How many people use their phones to shop online?

Read on to find out the answers.

The Basics

1. People spend around 5 hours a day on their smartphones.

(Source: Blue Corona)

Those mobile marketing statistics show us that optimizing your marketing campaigns for mobile users might just be a game-changer for your business.

Literally everyone has a mobile phone. This means you can reach people at any place, at any time. In a way, they carry all those advertising platforms in their pockets.

It’s amazing how much of our time we spend on our phones – and it’s only natural for your business to take advantage of that.

2. 70% of web traffic comes from mobile phones.

(Source: Blue Corona)

Have you ever wondered what percentage of internet traffic is mobile?

As you can see, more than half of it. To have a successful mobile marketing campaign, you need to have mobile-friendly content. Think mobile first, desktop second.

I mean, you’re probably reading this on your phone too.


Our Tip

Your content should be short and sweet. Just think of all the things that would annoy you, if you had to scroll down a super long blog post on your mobile phone. Almost no one reads those on their phones. Also, when writing mobile content, you don’t need numerous links. Chances are, users won’t open them anyway.

The Importance of Adaptivity

3. 80% of the top-ranked websites are mobile-friendly.

(Source: IMPACT)

Those website statistics show that mobile-friendly is the new black.

Or was it orange? Actually, it is ultimate grey and illuminating.

Back to the point.

If you just look around you, you’d see at least two people staring at their phone screens. Mobile device usage is only growing. We scroll websites and waste time on apps while in public transport, while waiting on queues, and even while working (oops).

People have developed certain expectations about their mobile experience – fast and attractive websites and apps being among them. We all use our phones on the go, which means we don’t have the time – or the patience – to wait for the information we’re trying to get.

Our Tip

Avoid heavy images and slow-loading mobile videos. Anything that takes more than 2 seconds to load will annoy the users and will cause them to turn to other websites or apps.

4. 61% of users will never return to a website that is not mobile adaptive.

(Source: IMPACT)

Bad mobile experience leads to people losing interest and looking for other options. On the other hand, a good mobile experience guarantees you the attention of new users and a higher conversion rate. A good referral is likely to increase the chance for a new deal by as much as 65%.

Again, think mobile first when building your website. People are glued to their phones every free second they have. Those breaks between work or chores are not long enough for anyone to deal with badly configured websites.

Our Tip

Speed up the mobile version of your website. Google uses speed as a ranking factor not only for desktop but for mobile searches too. Given those mobile marketing stats, the former must be true.

5. 80% of smartphone users will buy from companies with mobile sites and apps that are easy to navigate.

(Source: Aum)

  • 51% of smartphone users find new brands and products via their devices.
  • 51% of users say they are more likely to purchase from a mobile-friendly website.
  • 71% of people expect the mobile version of a website to load faster or at least just as fast as the desktop version.

Given those mobile usage statistics, it’s only logical to use them to your advantage. Having a mobile-adaptive website not only brings more unique visitors, it also raises your chances of people buying from you.

Our Tip

Make your registration forms short and simple. Avoid having people type a lot of information, as that annoys them. And put a search bar that’s easily accessible on every page. Finally, list your working hours, address and any other basic information on a dedicated page, so that clients can easily find them.

6. 70% of the searches made on mobile phones lead to online action.

(Source: Convince&Convert)

If you want to turn your visitors into clients, how well your website or app performs on mobile might be crucial. According to mobile marketing stats, it’s the top deciding factor for internet users. You can find more about boosting your online sales here.

Our Tip

Focus your efforts on local marketing. Most people search for businesses or services near them. Those who prefer online shopping would be happier and more likely to buy if their location brings them some sort of advantage – free delivery for everyone in their city, for example.

Email and Social Media

7. The number of emails opened on mobile has grown by 180% in the last three years.

(Source: IMPACT)

If someone thought that email marketing is dead, they clearly haven’t seen those numbers. Email isn’t going anywhere and according to statistics, smartphone usage keeps growing every year. Email will be even easier to access, with more and more emails getting checked on mobile phones.

Besides, people love newsletters. Especially personalized ones.

Who doesn’t like personalized things? We’re all digging feeling like the most special snowflakes.

Our Tip

Make the subject line interesting and concise for mobile users as 35% of people will open the email based on the subject line only. Using numbers and emojis is a great way to do that. And keep it short. Most people have thin patience and short attention spans.

8. Social media makes for 39% of the most-used apps.

(Source: quoracreative)

Mobile marketing stats show most people use social media as their main form of entertainment. The benefits of social media for your business are many and we’ll discuss them later on. But be sure to keep in mind mobile users as you create your social media campaigns.

Our Tip

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms and it has numerous tools that will help you target mobile users. Facebook Business Manager, for example, lets you manage everything ad-related.

It’s a Mobile World

9. Mobile phone data usage is predicted to grow with up to 700% between 2016 and 2020.

(Source: Statista)

We really can’t live without our phones, can we?

Well, at least we can put that to good use by serving people helpful ads for things they need.

Wrapping Up

So, what does this all mean?

People are addicted to their devices and their addiction is only expected to grow. More than half of adults in America own a smartphone. And most of us are checking our phones more than 150 times a day, which is insane. It’s hardly surprising that marketers are spending billions on mobile ads.

Yeah, you read that right.


How does that benefit your business though?

Glad you asked.

More than half the online traffic in the US comes from mobile devices. So there’s a pretty big chance that people are visiting your website while on their phone or tablet.

What can you do to make their experience more pleasurable?

Mobile adaptivity should be one of your top priorities. Mobile-optimized websites get more unique clicks – and make the most out of them in terms of profit.

Sites that are badly designed, hard to navigate, have an unattractive layout and are slow to load have been proven to drive users away. It’s what those mobile stats show and I can guarantee you that stats (just like hips) don’t lie.

This, logically, turns them toward your competition.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of social media and emails optimized for mobile. If you’re like most people, you probably take them for granted. Still, they can be of great use.

Nowadays, many of us check out emails on the go. So having your newsletters easy to navigate on mobile can only benefit you.

As for social media, most people use it to research brands and products. Having a well-developed social media account and keeping your media posts mobile-friendly is vital. You know the drill – fast loading images and videos. And forget about those hour-long clips as videos of up to 2 minutes are considered to be the most engaging. People use their phones on the go and hardly have the time for anything longer than three minutes.

Well, that’s all from our mobile marketing statistics, folks. Hopefully, you had as much fun as I did.

Till next time!

Originally Appeared Here

Author: Rayne Chancer