50 Landing Page Statistics to Know in 2023

The first time a user visits a site, they are usually greeted by a page that either signals them to take action or passes information. The page in this context is called a landing page. Overall, graphics with clickable links appear on 58% of landing pages.

Programmed explicitly for conversion purposes, landing pages often differ between a top-ranking website and one with lower ranks on search engines. The more remarkable a landing page is, the higher the conversion rates are to attract long-term customers.

Depending on the strategy used, many businesses structure their landing pages to generate leads, collect email addresses, or sell outright. However, a proper understanding of landing pages’ general purpose will better inform business owners on how to align them. This article will provide top statistics on the context, highlighting their conversion practices, adoption rates, and market growth. So, let’s quickly look into the landing page statistics without further ado.

Landing Page Statistics on Conversion Rates

These landing page statistics show how conversion rates work, including some of the best practices utilized.  

1. Including Double or Multiple Offers on a Landing Page can Reduce a Site’s Conversion Rate by 266%.

Despite the number of promotions your business has to dish out to the public, including them on a landing page is inadvisable. The main focus should be on one at a time to ensure immediate conversion. However, 48% of businesses make the same mistake and showcase multiple offers. 

2. There is Always an Increase in Leads when the Landing Pages of a Brand are Increased.

Ultimately, there is no harm in increasing the maximum number of landing pages for a particular website. 55% leads increased by an extension of 10 to 15 landing pagesThis technique goes a long way toward increasing productivity by building multiple landing pages with singular offers.

3. A Loading Time Delay of One Second can Affect the Conversions Rate by 7%.

Humans tend to have a lower attention span than any Earth creature. The timeframe is about 8 seconds, making waiting on a loading page more difficult. Hence, businesses should test their landing pages for speed and efficiency.

4. About 37% of the Top Landing Pages in the Business World have Testimonials.

Generally, people are moved by word of mouth from other people. Social proof displays information from social media screenshots, mail excerpts, and text messages. These testimonials, speaking of excellent services or reviews, are then uploaded on the site to give them better visibility.

5. Surprisingly, Mobile-Optimized Landing Pages Make Up Only 50%.

The smartphone industry is growing faster than other communication or online transactions. As innovations arise in the sector, people tend to use them more for daily research and shopping. For the 50% of businesses with optimized landing pages, sales should be going well, while the rest without could be having a hard time.

6. According to 46% of Marketers, Landing Pages with a Form Layout are Considered to Have More Significant Impacts. 

Form layouts are primarily the section where users have to fill in their details and follow up on actions suggested by the site. It is essential to structure your form layouts uniquely to boost conversion rates.

7. The Average Rate of Landing Page Conversions was At a Time of 4.02%.

This average has been stable over the years but is mainly based on the industry’s sector. At the moment, the maximum rate is nearing the 10% mark.

8. On the Other Hand, 20% should be the Standard Rate of Landing Page Conversions.

This statistic is super interesting, as while the average rates are below 10% and generate good results, imagine what 20% would accomplish.

9. Conversion Rates can Easily be Doubled by Using Emotions, Especially those of Laughter and Awe.

The use of emotional hooks is a common principle in the field of copywriting, which is primarily the content on landing pages. Some of the best ways to incorporate emotions for better conversion rates are through visuals and videos.

10. The Word “Submit” has a 3% Reduction Effect on Conversion Rates when Used on CTAs.

Instead of using such direct language, businesses can try to personalize CTAs for their audience. In this way, your customers will feel more personally addressed individually. 

11. A simple Three-Form Layout on Your Landing Page Lets you Get the Best Optimization from Them.

People often deny answering extra questions because they love their privacy. A standard number of 3 questions on one form is enough to convert users to follow through on actions.

12. Credibility can be Boosted on Any Site by Including Legitimate Contact Information.

Although the study is conducted on official websites, it applies to landing pages. When companies give off their contact information, it encourages the customers who patronize the site to follow suit. According to the research, it creates trust within them, as most users are cautious of scams.

13. Phone Numbers and Email Addresses are the Mediums with the Highest Conversion Rates.

In this digital age, email addresses and phone numbers are the primary ways people communicate in the corporate world. Hence, most people quickly check their mail and take calls, making these mediums effective marketing tools.

14. 62% of Companies are Comfortable with Less than Six Landing Pages.

It was already established that more landing pages guaranteed better conversions. However, some companies prefer fewer pages, possibly due to their promotional materials or available content.

15. Clickable Graphics are Appreciated by 58% of Marketers as a Practical Landing Page Requirement.

Landing pages can be fine-tuned in diverse ways. While most business owners use forms, images, or short videos for their ads, a set of marketers insist on clickable graphics.

Marketing Trend Statistics on Landing Pages

These landing page statistics are about the recent trends and what new optimization techniques are in use.

16. Dynamic landing pages enable an Extra 25.2% of mobile users to convert.

When talking about dynamic landing pages, reference is made to those with updated features such as clickable elements, engaging images, and shareable texts. On every front, the more information from a page is continuously shared, the easier it is to get traffic running.

17. Landing Pages with Video Content Perform Better by Over 86% than Those Without.

Approximately 90% of people prefer video to written ads due to what the eyes can capture first. Hence, intelligent marketers and web developers work progressively towards integrating videos on business landing pages.

18. For 220% More Lead Generation, Choosing Longer Landing Pages is a Key Factor.

While increasing the information on landing pages, business owners are advised against redundancy. Bearing that in mind, fresh information should be created for different parts of the page alongside CTAs.

19. The A/B Split Testing Software is Used by 44% of Companies in the Business Industry.

Split testing is the action taken by companies to compare two different landing page layouts. Variations are made in the A and B categories before determining the best design through user activity.

20. Including the Company’s Name in the Title Tag is an Effective Landing Page Strategy.

Aside from the fact that 66% of companies apply this strategy, it is recommended to create more brand awareness and effectively attract more users to the company.

To get the best response, developers go as far as testing multiple CTA on their site. As a standard, the CTA must be personalized so the targeted audience would find them directly talking to them.

22. Only 1 Out of 8 Significant Changes in A/B Split Testing have Occurred.

It’s improper to judge a test phase within days of applications. However, the results show up after a couple of weeks on-site, enabling developers to get quality analytics.

23. A/B Testing Decreases Overall Marketing Campaign Expenditures Significantly.

Since the process is tested before launch, excess expenses may not be pulled into it firsthand. They are carefully watched, and then, based on the rate of conversions, the ads can be sponsored for a significant boost. 

24. Approximately 7% of Companies Believe it is Hard to Conduct Split Testing.

This is where the need to perform deep research comes in, as the process was not rushed but taken gradually.

25. An A/B test Study by Tech Company High Rise Generated Over 3% Clickthrough Increments.

 In this case study, the only change was the headline; by over 30%, the conversion rates saw a surge. Interestingly, the word ‘Free’ was the major attraction to the caption.

Statistics on Landing Page Optimization

Stats on Optimization

There are dynamic ways to optimize a landing page and keep it reeling toward lead generation. This session using stats and tips, will proffer beneficial insights on optimizing your landing page to the best standard.

26. Reducing the Widely Accepted Number of Form Fields (11) to 4 on a Landing Page could Raise Results to 120%. 

Irrespective of standards or the general ways of optimization, business owners and developers need to experiment with their strategies. Invariably, every platform has its specific mechanism that works. 

27. 16% of Landing Pages Do Not Have Navigation Panels.

It is worth noting that removing the navigation menu has the potential to raise conversion rates by 100%. Although, by default, navigation menus are part of landing pages, A/B testing has proven that the pages without them optimize better.

28. Some Tools can Raise Conversion Rates by 223%. 

These tools are collectively conversion rate optimization tools, and they help with the analysis, planning, and testing of landing pages. 

29. Visitors Who Read Copies and CTAs are Over a 90% Benchmark.

As much as we pay attention to the headlines for attraction’s sake, optimizing CTAs sections for visitors to engage is essential. Call to action (CTA) must have a clear message, have only one message, and be bold enough to see.

30. Bold, Imaginative, and Moving Content Appeal to 80% of Visitors on a Site.

Only 20% of individuals worldwide can usually remember something they read somewhere. However, 80% of them can paint a picture of what their eyes see. Within the 13 milliseconds required for the human brain to process images, business owners should ensure their landing pages are eye-catchy.

31. Live Chat Additions Have a 20% Positive Impact on Conversions.

Users who visit a page with live chat are more inclined to participate and ask questions freely. It creates General confidence in the minds of these visitors, and they are likely to come back to make purchases on such sites.

32. A/B Testing is Used to Influence the Conversion Rates of Landing Pages by 17%. 

Ultimately, this method is a great way to improve your conversions and give you insight into the number of people who converted. 

33. Proper Targeting Mechanisms can Boost Conversions by Up To 300%.

We can’t overemphasize the emphasis on keen planning and targeting mechanisms cannot be here. Using proper testing measures on your landing pages, we can obtain the desired results.

34. Every Business Landing Page has 7 Seconds to Keep a Visitor’s Attention.

Impression-based brand awareness comes from positive website experiences. So, businesses need to understand notable practices to keep their followers glued.

Homepages tend to convert less when compared to landing pages. Hence, for marketers to generate the clickthroughs they desire, they must ensure separate landing pages for their customers to follow up on.

36. We See a Notable Application of A/B Testing in Fundraising $60 Million for President Obama’s Presidential Campaign 2012.

The exact means through which they achieved such a feat may be unclear to most individuals, but the results show the influence of A/B testing.

37. At Least 61% of Businesses Conduct Five Testing Stages to Improve Optimization.

It characterizes the marketing world’s rapid evolution, marked by the emergence and disappearance of trends and fads. These trends improve conversion rates, underscoring the significance of consistent testing.

General Statistics on Landing Pages

General Stats

Changes have taken place in the short time landing pages have grown. Companies, websites, and individual blogs have adapted to these changes, using them for their benefit.

38. Interactive Components can Increase Message Effectiveness on Landing Pages by 79%.

Visitors get engrossed by interactive material since it offers interesting interactions that increase engagement. Simply said, it combines responsive audiences with creative, interactive landing sites, which produces a higher conversion rate.

39. Mobile Devices Currently Account for 53.3% of All Website Traffic.

Although many people use mobile devices for internet exploration, only about 50% of landing pages as it has optimized for mobile, proving the undisputed dominance of mobile in terms of audience reach.

40. In Exchange for Quicker Mobile Page Loading, 52.8% of People will Give Up Video Content.

Given that more than 90% of video views on platforms are on mobile devices, landing pages on mobile can benefit from optimizing video usage. Video is not always required, even though it frequently increases conversions. 52.8% of those surveyed said they would be willing to give up video for faster loading times on mobile sites, which is a sizable percentage.

41. A Home Page is What 77% of Landing Pages are Today.

Landing pages often fill the function of a home page for many firms. Although the two have significant differences, we can integrate them into one.

42. For 61% of Marketers, Improving Organic and SEO Visibility is Their Top Inbound Marketing Priority.

Expanding reach is a typical goal when offering goods and services online. The process can get done through direct website traffic or search engine visitors. Hence, improving search engine optimization is essential for creating these websites’ online presence in digital marketing.

43. MoFu and Lead Management Strategies Get 4–10 Times More Responses Before Email Reach Rates.

You can target client concerns and lead them toward the purchasing phase by implementing a customized Middle-of-the-Funnel (MoFu) engagement plan. Businesses may quickly adopt this strategy by establishing themselves as the best option on the market and using data to demonstrate and prove their exclusive value.

44. By A/B Testing their Form Pages, The IT Business SmartBrief Saw a Startling 816% Increase in Subscriptions.

A/B testing provides significant time savings. Usually, there are individual features developers can use while making minor tweaks rather than creating several new landing pages.

Videos make information easy to understand and convenient. Include a video that describes your service on your landing page to improve it, ensuring it is in line with the goals of the page.

46. On 51.3% of Landing Pages, Green CTA Buttons are the Default Color.

It uses Green call-to-action buttons on over half of the reviewed SaaS landing pages. Even though users do not require it, it’s worth considering.

47. 44% of SaaS-Reviewed Landing Pages Include Photos that are People-Focused.

People instinctively look for connections with others. Hence, by including photographs of real people, you let your viewers feel a connection with you. Real pictures, not stock photos, portray your company with more sincerity and accuracy.

48. Pages That are Designed to be Eye-Scanned Draw More Attention.

Skimming content involves quick scanning. Online surfers frequently scan online pages, concentrating on the most essential information. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and an engaging voice to make studying your landing page easier.

49. 52% of Marketers Use the Same Landing Page for Different Campaigns.

The most successful landing pages target a particular niche and speak to a specific audience about a particular topic. Avoid using the same landing pages for different campaigns to increase conversions. Instead, create various distinctive pages or think about building a super-multipurpose one.

50. The Price of Building a Landing Page Might Range from  $75 to $3000.

These figures depend on several variables. Are you hiring someone or handling it internally? Do you prioritize organic approaches above paid ones? These decisions shape your budget.


Most online businesses use landing pages, but there is a difference between plain utilization and successful application. Remember that there are insightful landing page metrics to increase your prospect’s conversion rates, some of which are mentioned in this article. These insights will provide an understanding of what is currently working in digital marketing, helping your company reach new heights.


What are the effects of mobile optimization on landing pages?

With the increasing number of smartphones today, people generally access the Internet through mobiles. Hence, by optimizing landing pages for mobile, there is a high possibility of more customer inflow.

Are videos necessary on landing pages?

As we often use text and motion graphics, videos tend to create a different kind of impression in the minds of your visitors. When we use a unique product, the effect is more substantial when a promotional video advertising.

What is A/B testing for landing page optimization?

This strategy compares versions of landing page prototypes. The pages release on the Internet separately to survey, generating more leads and pulling conversions.


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Originally Appeared Here

Author: Rayne Chancer