Happy 2014 Perkies!

It’s a brrrrrr 24 degrees outside my window here and what did I spy on Accuweather?

“Major Snowstorm Targets 70 Million in Northeast”

Wheeee!   Or in my case, WAH!

And how was your 2013 eve?  Did you recover?  Did you have lots of yummy munchies or stay up past 2015 like I did (okay, 8pm)?  If you ate and drank a weee bit too much, drink lots of water to flush out your system and try to get to the gym/work out a bit at home.  Every little bit counts!

Over here in LingLand, the kids are still asleep and I’m getting ready to hit the gym with the husband.  Then its more Bitcoin fun, templating and recurring product joy, plus considering when to raise the price of my:

2014 Paid Mastermind

Yep, yours truly focused so much on building her affiliate network/community that she kinda sorta neglected to do the Last Call for 2013 for her prelaunch price.

Sigh.  And because these are closing today:

==> Digital Product Lab Mastermind

==> Product Drop Lifetime Goodness

==> MyNAMS Lifetime Membership

Yep…. got work that in soon!

And don’t forget – there are 89 days left until Something Besides April Fools Day.  Are you marking your calendars yet?

Today I am NOT launching a product.  If you are releasing a product, let us know!  And while I specialize in Authority Marketing, I do NOT focus on SEO in San Diego.  Greetings all San Diego SEO marketers, you shine!

Oh, and another fun fact about New Years Day – did you know that more cars are stolen on that day than any other?



Anywhos, it’s the very first day of 2014 – make it shine!


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling