What It Is + Tools and Examples

Artificial intelligence is slowly becoming a more significant part of the marketing strategy of many companies.

With its broad-reaching potential and its ability to make difficult decisions, it is no surprise that businesses are turning to AI marketing tools.

But what exactly is AI marketing, and how can it practically help businesses?

In this article, I will be discussing AI marketing, what it is, and some of the different tools and examples you can use to get started with your campaigns.

With AI accounting for 29% of marketing campaigns being run, knowing what this industry is all about and how to take advantage of it, is key.

Let’s get right into it.

What Is AI Marketing?

Creating marketing and advertising campaigns that rely on artificial intelligence (AI) is called AI marketing.

It’s also sometimes called “cognitive marketing” or “machine learning for marketing.”

Advertising agencies, marketing teams, and even individual entrepreneurs can use AI marketing tools to create more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.

Then, AI sales software can be used to help close the leads generated from such campaigns.

Another facet to this is that by using predictive analytics, one can also use AI platforms and AI programs to serve ads to consumers based on their previous interactions with similar products or services.

In other words, AI marketing uses machine learning and artificial intelligence technology in its marketing and advertising efforts to make those efforts more efficient and effective.

With more and more high-quality data aiding the marketing process and the ability to define one’s target audience with greater precision, marketing teams are turning to AI-based marketing tools to get an edge in their operations.

From big corporations such as Amazon (using AI to adjust the pricing of their products on a real-time basis) to small businesses that use AI for social media marketing, the opportunities for AI in marketing are vast.

What Are The Advantages Of Using AI In Marketing?

Both the internet and artificial intelligence (AI) are constantly evolving, and as they do, so too does their impact on marketing.

This means that there are a number of advantages to using AI in marketing, including:

Prediction Of Consumer Behavior Patterns

Predicting what a customer is likely to do next gives businesses a significant advantage. It allows them to be proactive and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

Companies can now use this information to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

Improved Customer Segmentation

One of the benefits of using AI in marketing is that it can help improve customer segmentation.

By using predictive analytics, businesses can group customers together based on their likelihood to purchase certain products or services.

This helps companies focus their marketing efforts on the most promising leads, which leads to better results.

Hyper-Personalized Content And Recommendations

Another advantage of AI marketing is that the right entity can use specific data to create hyper-personalized content and recommendations.

By using data from a customer’s past interactions, businesses can personalize their messages and suggestions to each customer.

This helps companies build stronger relationships with both their actual and potential customers, leading to more conversions.

Real-Time Optimization Of Campaigns

Another benefit of AI marketing is that it allows for real-time campaign optimization.

By using AI-based marketing tools, businesses can track the performance of their campaigns in real-time and make adjustments accordingly.

This helps companies ensure that their campaigns are always performing at their best, which leads to better results.

Increased Efficiency And Productivity

Finally, AI marketing can help increase the efficiency and productivity of the various teams in an organization.

By automating repetitive tasks, AI-based marketing tools can free up time for team members to focus on more strategic tasks.

This helps businesses get more out of their teams in their daily operations.

Examples of AI Marketing

Let’s now look at some examples of AI marketing in various departments.

Customer Relationship Management

Using future demand analysis, AI can help you staff your support team with the people that will be most likely to create satisfied customers.

For example, the combination of artificial intelligence and customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the essential elements in a product’s lifecycle.

If you are able to predict what a customer is going to do, you will be able to target them with the right message at the right time.

An omnichannel presence traditionally used to be the domain of large enterprises with substantial marketing budgets.

Artificial intelligence has now helped democratize this by making it easier and more affordable for small businesses to create a presence on multiple channels.

For example, Monday.com is a CRM company that uses artificial intelligence to help sales teams close more deals.

Monday.com’s AI-powered algorithms analyze data from the CRM system to provide sales reps with real-time insights and recommendations.

Customer Segmentation

You can use AI to segment your customers into groups based on their likelihood to purchase certain products or services.

For example, if you are a clothing retailer, you could use AI to segment your customers into groups based on their past purchasing behavior.

You could then target each group with different marketing messages and offers, leading to more conversions.

For example, HubSpot Marketing Automation uses artificial intelligence to segment customers and leads.

HubSpot’s marketing AI-powered algorithms analyze data points from the CRM system to segment customers in various lists and provide marketing teams with real-time insights and recommendations.

With deep learning, such a system can automatically read and analyze customer data to bring to the surface critical insights that would otherwise have stayed hidden.

Ecommerce AI Tools

The sales process of an ecommerce company is different from a traditional company’s.

In an ecommerce company, the customer usually contacts the company through a website or online store.

This makes it difficult for ecommerce companies to track and follow up with leads in a traditional way.

This behavior can also influence the advertising strategy used.

However, ecommerce companies still need to be able to reach their customers where they are already spending time: online.

This is where AI can help ecommerce platforms.

By using AI, ecommerce companies can track and follow up with leads more efficiently.

Through the use of big companies such as AliDropship, ecommerce entrepreneurs can have access to various AI plugins that do all the work for them when it comes to running their business.


Digital marketing opened up the doors for real-time engagement with customers and prospects.

But it also created a new challenge: how to keep up with all the requests and inquiries coming in?

The answer for many companies has been to use AI chatbots.

Chatbots are computer programs that simulate human conversation.

One can also use them to automate customer service or sales tasks.

For example, a chatbot could be used to answer frequently asked questions or to provide product recommendations.

One can use software like HubSpot Chatbot to create chatbots for their website or blog.

There are also those that can be used directly from Facebook Messenger to help with customer service or sales tasks.

Some chatbots are even able to understand natural language processing which allows them to carry on a conversation with a human as if they were humans themselves.

Search Engine Optimization

Various SEO tools can help make (semi) automated decisions that can help a website rank higher in search engines.

Some examples of these tools are:

  • Google Search Console: A free AI platform that provides data and insights about your website’s organic search traffic
  • Moz: A suite of tools to help with keyword research, link building, and on-page optimization
  • Ahrefs: A tool for competitor analysis, keyword research, and link building

These tools can help with various aspects of SEO, from keyword research to link building.

Initiatives that help decision-making are always welcome for SEO, as the process can be very time-consuming if done manually.

Creating Digital Art

With the use of AI art generators, anyone can create digital art.

These tools that take text or other images as input and generate art as output.

With various parameters that one can play with, the results can be very different each time.

For marketing purposes, this can be used to create visuals for social media posts or ads.

It can also be used to generate visuals for blog posts or articles.

AI Writing Software

Using AI for content writing and production has several advantages.

First, it can help you create better content.

By analyzing various data inputted into the system, AI writing software allows you to create content that is more likely to convert prospects into customers.

One of the best AI software to use for content creation and automation for marketing purposes is Jasper.

This software can help take care of all the content marketing related tasks in your marketing strategy.

Another example that demonstrates how AI is changing marketing is Copy AI.

Copy AI is a tool that helps you create better copy for your website or blog.

It does this by taking in various user inputs and generating top-notch copy that can help sell a product, inform prospects of the benefits, and so much more.

Next (and needing little introduction to content production), Grammarly is an excellent example of how AI can help content creation.

Grammarly is a grammar checking tool that uses AI to find and correct grammatical errors.

One can also use it to improve their writing style and allow it to make suggestions on making one’s writing more precise and concise.

Webinar Automation

Webinars are still some of the best use cases of AI technology as they can take over a lot of human involvement by performing the right automation.

The best webinar software platform tools, such as Demio, EasyWebinar, and Everwebinar all use AI to automate the process of hosting a webinar.

This includes sending invitations, managing registrations, and sending reminders.

The functionality that these apps provide can save a lot of time and make it easier to host webinars regularly.

Email Marketing Automation

The successful offline store next door and the big-box retailer down the street might have one thing in common: they both use AI in their email marketing.

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most effective forms of digital marketing.

It used to be very time-consuming to manage and send out thousands of emails, but luckily there are now various AI tools that can help.

As with any other marketing channel, the main goals of email marketing software revolve around dealing with customer needs and increasing conversions.

AI can help you achieve these goals in several ways.

Firstly, it can help you automate sending the right emails at the right time, and secondly, it can help you create better subject lines and email copy that provide more value to those that read them.

Segmentation is another essential factor to consider when creating marketing campaigns to push people through the customer journey and increase conversions.

Tools such as ActiveCampaign, Constant Contact, and GetResponse are great examples of how AI is used in email marketing today.

AI Analytical Tools

Knowing which target audiences to focus on and what type of content to create is essential for any marketing strategy.

The right tools help you collect and analyze various metrics and data to make better decisions about your marketing campaigns.

As a result, the customer experience can be significantly improved by using the data collected.

Tools such as Google Analytics, Zoho Analytics, and IBM Watson Analytics are all great examples of how AI is being used in analytics today.

Social Media Scheduling

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and promote your brand.

However, managing all of your social media accounts can be very time-consuming.

This is where the power of AI and social media management and scheduling tools comes in.

Tools like eClincher, Crowdfire, and Rebrandly can help you automate your social media marketing.

They can help you schedule posts, track engagement, and attract new followers.

Using this type of AI in your social media marketing strategy can help you save a lot of time and energy.

Wrap Up.

AI marketing tools are constantly evolving, and it can be challenging to keep up with all the changes.

With so many options available, it’s essential to choose the right tool for your specific needs.

The above examples are just a few ways AI is being used in marketing today.

As you can see, AI can be used in various aspects of marketing, from content creation to social media management.

If you’re looking to improve your marketing strategy, consider incorporating AI into your marketing plan.

You might be surprised at how much of a difference it can make.

Further reading on AdamEnfroy.com: Want to learn of even more use cases of AI in this day and age?

In addition, AI recruiting software can help companies make better hiring decisions in the workplace.

Finally, AI affiliate marketing tools help marketers optimize their campaigns for conversions and ROI.

Originally Appeared Here

Author: Rayne Chancer