💖 The Most Surprising Love Letter You Will Ever Read (and one you need to embrace today)

💖 The Most Surprising Love Letter You Will Ever Read (and one you need to embrace today)

Love letter to the one person you cannot live without

During this past weekend, I chatted with 3-4 folks who were going thru tough times. And in all the cases…. these people could only see themselves as ‘bad people’ because of outside influences and experiences.

So I’d like everyone here to read this letter. It’s from you. And it’s to you. And it’s about the one person who needs to live so *you* can continue to survive and thrive.

“Dear Me,

I think it’s time we had a chat.

Every day, I see on FB bunches of people having the times of their lives.

If they’re in marketing, they’re either:

  • “crushing it” or
  • “can’t wait to change other lives” or
  • “thinking about their 7th Mercedes Benz purchase” or
  • sharing their income screen shots and offering to teach others simple pushbutton techniques or
  • “so excited to reveal their Big Huge Plan or
  • “loving every day because they’re blessed with perfect children/health/spouses/coffee” or….

You get the idea.

And if folks aren’t in marketing and just instragramming/etc., they’re either:

  • Showing all the fun they’re having that you’re not or
  • Showing all the food they’re enjoying that you’re not or
  • Showing all the people who love them that don’t love you or….

And if they’re OFF of FB but part of my toxic family, they’re either:

  • Comparing me to others in a negative way or
  • Telling me I’m bad for my feelings or
  • Telling me I’m thinking wrong and will always be a loser or ….

Well, Me….

I think it’s time I was honest with you.

I took a big long huge look in the mirror yesterday.

And you know something?

Instead of seeing a loser staring at me, I saw someone who is always:

  • Compassionate and
  • Caring and
  • Does my best in confronting personal demons from the little voice in my head and
  • Helps out when asked and….

In other words….


I am NOT perfect.

But you know something? I’m pretty freakin’ magnificent based upon my *human qualities.*

And sure, I might have messed up in the past, in such a breathtakingly idjut way….

It was worthy of being highlighted on Oprah as a “Beware Of These Astonishingly Non-Intelligent Activities Waiting To Reduce Your Ego To The Size Of Angel Tears!”

You know what I have to say to that?


I messed up. I embrace that!


I cannot change the past….

… but I *CAN* use that past to springboard to the future!

So including, me,

*I love you*.

I love the person I am.

I love the emotional gifts I can give…..


I no longer chose to give them unwisely.

I *value* me.

And my love is something others need to be *worthy* of…. No more will I give it freely.

Because I am magnificent…

And I am a *gift*….

To the people I *choose* to honor with my friendship.

So in closing, Me….

You’re the only person I absolutely NEED to love and accept in my life.

Because when I do…. I am free then to inspire and love others.

And you know something?

I now do.

I love myself.

There, I said it.

I am worthy.

And I will treat myself as the valuable gem I am.

Always… and forever.

With Much Love….


Let me now close this love letter with a challenge to you.

Dare to Love Yourself As You Deserve.

Even if you don’t feel it now….

… Even if you have yet to create the support structure to help you regain your balance….

Take the Virtual Coach Leap of Faith.

Give yourself permission to love who and what you are.

It will be the start of something grand.