Quick Recap: ==>The #1 WordPress Optimisation Product 75%OFF

Quick Recap: ==>The #1 WordPress Optimisation Product 75%OFF

Hey there,

The Virtual Coaches here, and very quickly…

It’s common knowledge that WordPress sites by their nature are slow…

But, what’s less well known is that current optimisation plugins do HALF A JOB…

It’s essential to optimise sites for speed to achieve higher rankings, better conversions, better user experience, lower bounce rates & for lowering your ad spend…

In WordPress every page requested has to be compiled by your server and it also has to load all the extra code from your themes, plugins, database and of course your images… that takes loads of time time…

To make matters worse your WordPress database naturally bloats over time & most of us don’t optimize our images… making our pages up to 10x slower

So… 99% of sites of sites are weighed down by heavy graphics, slow databases, themes, plugins & even hosting issues.

At 3+ seconds load speed you lose 50%+ of traffic & at 20+ seconds you lose 95%+ of traffic according to Kissmetrics… that’s a serious problem.

Here’s how to Fix It Below



Current WordPress optimisation products on the market either use cache, optimise your database or mess around with your Java & CSS often breaking your site in the process

95% of products don’t optimise your site graphics (one of the most important jobs) & the ones that do charge $100’s…

WP Profiler is a combination of quick fixes & diagnostics that help you fix your site speed issues – more importantly it covers the biggest site speed issues – at best the competitors cover just 2 factors & charge more.

Here’s the site speed issues WP Profiler helps you solve …

Problem #1 – Hosting – Poor Global Connectivity Slows Down Your Site

FIXED – WP Profiler diagnoses hosting connectivity issues in real time

Problem #2 – Server – Poor Config & Inadequate Hosting Plans Cause Issues

FIXED – WP Profiler diagnoses server config issues in real time

Problem #3 – Plugins & Themes – Cause Load Speed Issues

FIXED – WP Profiler tests theme & plugin load speed in real time

Problem #4 – Un-Optimized GFX – kill load speed & eat bandwidth

F|XED – WP Profiler does lossless auto optimisation of site graphics

Problem #5 – Bloated Databases – Thrash Your Server’s Processor

FIXED – WP Profiler does an advanced junk clean-up

The product is currently on Early Bird Special Discount so be quick.



Virtual Coaches
Authority Marketing Innovators

ps – the enhancements…