Quick Recap: ==>#1 Easiest Way To Boost Your Conversions in WordPress

Quick Recap: ==>#1 Easiest Way To Boost Your Conversions in WordPress

Hey there,

The Virtual Coaches here, and very quickly…

Slow loading pages KILL conversions, increases your bounce rates and cost you more in ad spend

According to Kissmetrics if your site takes 3+ seconds to load you lose 50%+ of traffic & at 20+ seconds you lose 95%+ of traffic…

That’s a serious problem specially for the 52% of mobile users on slower connections.

Now more than ever your sites have to be fast as people are impatient…

What makes matters worse current optimisation products focus on cleaning your database or on caching which is cool but they all ignore the bigger problems

In fact a good optimisation tool should help with these problems…

Problem #1 – Hosting – poor global connectivity slows down your site

Problem #2 – Server – poor config & inadequate hosting plans cause issues

Problem #3 – Plugins & Themes – cause load speed issues

Problem #4 – Un-Optimized GFX – kill load speed & eat bandwidth

Problem #5 – Bloated Databases – thrash your server’s processor

Here’s a tool that’ll help you  fix this


In fact it’s the only tool on the market that helps you do this – it’s a must have for any WordPress user

The product is currently on sale   @ 75% off if you are quick….



Virtual Coaches
Authority Marketing Innovators

ps – the enhancements…