Mama Bear Tum Yum Bacon Soup

Mama Bear Tum Yum Bacon Soup

Well, it IS Thai-inspired!

If there’s one thing Mama Bear and family loves… it’s bacon.

And Thai food (fun fact – Honorable Son 1 is teaching himself Thai).

So putting the two together is Good Stuff indeed!

And here’s the recipe for your own enjoyment!

Mama Bear Tum Yum Bacon Soup


  • 16 ounces of water
  • 2 slices Bacon (preferably discounted)
  • 3 squares Beef chuck (preferably discounted)
  • 4 Bok Choy tips
  • 3 scallions
  • 1/2 1 medium onion
  • 1 Tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon chicken soup base
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Tum Yum soup base
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Chili peppers to taste

Step 1.)  Put water on to boil in a soup pot.

That was easy.

Step 2.)  Slice up bacon/beef  into 1-2 inch pieces.

Throw bacon/beef into pot.

That was easy too.

Step 3.)  Chop up all veggies except chili peppers and put into soup bowl, raw.

Zooming along here we are!

Step 4.)  Add all soup bases and soy sauce to soup pot.

Behold the goodness!

After coming to a boil, allow for continued boil for as long as you like your meat done.

Step 5.)  Pour boiling soup/contents/etc over the raw veggies into the soup bowl.

This ensures you keep the gentle active healing principle inherent in the raw veggies in its pure and unaltered state.

Just funnin’ with you!  Nope – pouring it on the veggies ensures your veggies don’t overcook.

Step 6.)  Add chili peppers.

We’re ready for take off…..

And then you shall gaze upon:


And there you have it:

Mama Bear Tum Yum Bacon Soup!

Feeds….. well, one.

If that one is me.  🙂

Grow strong,

Mama Bear