LAST CALL: 52 profitable IM lessons, for just over a dollar each…

LAST CALL: 52 profitable IM lessons, for just over a dollar each…


Barb Ling here and Dennis Becker just reminded me!

And because he says it best, here are his words:

“I want to give you one last reminder about a collection of 52 lessons, which used to be distributed weekly to members over the course of a full year.

I was one of the members, and I enjoyed the content so much that when offered, I bought a license to provide it to you (at a discount this month).

For the rest of the month (today and tomorrow), I’m discounting access to Earncome.


If you’re like 99% of the people who are trying to make money online, you’re making it harder than it needs to be… and you still aren’t seeing any real results.

With Earncome, you’ll receive 52 proven action plans to get things done systematically and profitably with this “all access” training program.

In other words, you’ll get all 52 lessons immediately, instead of having to wait for weekly lessons over the course of a year like I did.

Inside Earncome are over 875 pages of training materials on the following 6 core areas:

— product creation
— email marketing
— traffic generation
— business building
— infocreation
— efficiency

On this page you’ll see exactly what you’ll receive with each lesson:


For the rest of this short month, I’m discounting access to Earncome by a full $40, so you’ll actually pay less than I did, and you won’t have to wait a full year to get everything.

When you start going through the lessons inside Earncome, I urge you to do it either of the following ways:

— start at the beginning and go through each lesson in order, one by one, like I did.

— or pick a track, like product creation or traffic generation, and go through those lessons one by one.

For example, product creation is lesson 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, and 49 (every 6th lesson).

For example, and this might get your blood pumping, lesson 1 is “how to create a signature product out of thin air in 72 hours or less”, a full 24 pages of instruction. Lesson 7 is “A simple strategy I use to make $10,000-$25,000 in 2 weeks or less”.

That’s just 2 of the 9 Product Creation lessons.

Most of the lessons are meaty enough to sell on their own as “one problem, one solution” types of reports for at least $7 to $17 each.

You’ll receive 52 of these reports.

After midnight tomorrow (eastern time), the price of Earncome will rise, so why pay more than you need to?


Have a spectacular day.

Dennis Becker, the 5 Buck Guy

P.S. This course was created by one of the top
Internet “gurus” of our generation, based on his
extensive real-world experience. You won’t find
a better coach/writer, in my opinion.

A total of 875 pages of content, spread over
52 lessons, means an average of around 17 pages
per lesson. Some are more, some are a little
less, but they are all well worth purchasing
individually, they are all about important and
evergreen IM topics, so grab them here and now
before the price increases.


I’d write more…. but write now, I’m feelin’ a bit nonoptimal, so I’ll just close with…

It’s *quite*…. the deal.


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Buy Buttons!!” Ling

ps –  bonuses too!