Systematic research review: Chiropractic’s effects on sports

Systematic research review: Chiropractic’s effects on sports

Nearly one in two Americans play some type of sport, according to a 2022 Ipsos poll. Cornhole, bowling and swimming were the most frequently played, followed by cycling, basketball and golf. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials suggests chiropractic’s effects on sports can provide these players with different benefits, making it a valuable sports modality.

Review of chiropractic’s effects on sports

This review was published in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research and initially included eight articles involving chiropractic treatment in sports. Three articles were systematic reviews and the remaining five were randomized clinical trials.  

Of these, half were selected for more in-depth analysis. In three of the four studies analyzed more thoroughly, researchers reported significant improvements in subjects’ performance and injury rehabilitation when chiropractic was utilized.  

More specifically, the individual studies on chiropractic’s effects on sports found:

  • Cervical spine manipulation increased judo athletes’ grip strength, with multiple manipulations leading to greater strength improvements. 
  • “Manipulation treatments” for recurrent ankle sprains greatly improved both pain and functional ability in this joint. 
  • One month of chiropractic was more effective for treating subacute and chronic ankle inversion sprains than ultrasound treatments. 

Chiropractic effects on sports performance

This review isn’t the first to connect chiropractic with sports performance improvements. Other research suggests the same. 

For example, a 2023 article in Cureus calls chiropractic “a vital component of sports medicine.” It supports this assertion by explaining how manipulation can address biomechanical imbalances that may be limiting a player’s performance. It can also optimize neuromuscular function, providing the same effect. 

Chiropractic effects on sports may also improve performance in athletes with low back pain. Pain in this area is common for people playing sports, with one study indicating as many as 84% of athletes will face low back pain at some point in their lives.

Research involving military personnel, a group known for a higher level of physical activity, found performance-based improvements in subjects with pain in this area. When compared to a wait-list group, the intervention group had greater improvements in maximum pulling strength, trunk muscle endurance and balance (with eyes closed).   

Effects of chiropractic on injury rehabilitation

In the 2022 Ipsos survey, 47% of the respondents felt one of the largest issues in sports is player injury. Chiropractic can assist with this concern by aiding in recovery. 

Roughly 3.6 million Americans are treated in emergency departments annually for some type of injury related to sports or recreation. Cycling and basketball were responsible for the greatest number of injuries, along with general exercise. 

One survey of physicians belonging to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine found 88% prescribed some type of complementary and alternative medicine to injured sports patients. The modality prescribed most frequently was chiropractic. 

Other pieces of research indicate chiropractic effects on sports may be particularly helpful with specific sports injuries. For example, some studies have connected manipulation directed toward the cervical spine with the resolution of neck and head pain from sports-related concussions. Another study involving a rugby player needing surgery to repair a shoulder dislocation reported engaging in sports chiropractic therapy post-surgery helped the player return to their pre-injury status.

Providing sports patients with quality chiropractic care

Research involving national-level athletes from a variety of sports reports, overall, players are “very satisfied” with their chiropractic care, whether due to its effects on performance, injury prevention and care or basic health maintenance. Athletes also reported a high level of trust in chiropractic’s effects on sports.

Final thoughts

Explaining the valuable role of chiropractic effects on sports for both performance and injury rehabilitation can help strengthen this relationship while providing players the support and treatment needed to play or return to their sport of choice.

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