Streamlining Content Creation with AI: A Personal Content Strategy | by Younes Baghor – WebWizArt | Jun, 2024

Streamlining Content Creation with AI: A Personal Content Strategy | by Younes Baghor – WebWizArt | Jun, 2024

Streamlining Content Creation with AI: A Personal Content Strategy — Younes Baghor

Imagine you have a personal assistant who helps you gather, organize, and refine your thoughts and ideas into polished content. This is what AI can do for your content creation process. By using various AI agents, you can automate tedious tasks, enhance your writing, and ensure your content reaches a wider audience and save some time in the process.

This is my personal strategy and involves multiple AI agents that assist in different stages of my content creation, from initial idea gathering to final promotion. This allows me to focus on the creative aspects while automating repetitive tasks.

The journey begins with aggregating a great amount of content daily. This includes news articles, trends, videos, books I read, courses I take and social media. I use an RSS reader to gather most of this content, the content is then reviewed and I select the most relevant pieces.

Once the content I think is interesting is selected, I pass it to my Content Aggregator Agent. This AI agent creates a detailed report of the selected content, summarizing key points and insights. These reports serve as an idea library and is the foundation for further content creation.

When it’s time to create new content I review these reports and select the topic I want to get deeper into. The next step involves converting this report into a blog post. This is where my Blog Creator Agent comes into play. This AI agent provides me additional sources and research, providing more information and context to the initial report. I then reviews and study this information, add my opinion, expertise and lessons learned and craft a well-rounded blog post. This conversation with the Blog Creator Agent continues until I have a final draft.

Given the challenges of my dyslexia, ensuring the text is free of errors is essential. So for the final draft I ask the agent to do a spell and grammar check, and the AI agent corrects any mistakes and enhances readability.

To maintain a consistent personal style, the content is then reviewed by the Tone & Voice Agent. This AI agent rewrites the article to match my tone and voice, ensuring the content feels authentic and personal and contributes to my mission & vision.

With the blog post polished and ready, it’s time to share it with the world. The article is published on my blog, which you are reading now, and then I pass the URL to my Campaign Agent.

The Campaign Agent generates a series of social media posts to promote the article. It will extract highlights and key points and creates engaging posts for platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. These posts are then manually scheduled for publication via each platform’s scheduler.

I learned that to have a broader audience I have to create videos. Not being a great video creator I created a Video Script Agent. I pass the article URL to the Video Script Agent, which creates a written video script based on the highlights of the article. This script contains the introduction, a breakdown per scene, the narration, the audio I should add, and the visuals to show. It will also provide me a Call To Action(CTA) to add to the video. The next step is recording the video on my phone or with OBS and editing the the video with Canva.

To create a transcript of the video I use OpenAI’s Whisper. I open the app on my phone and press the microphone and then play the final video. After the video is done playing the app has recorded my voice and convert it into text, I review the result and correct errors. Now I can publish the video on YouTube with the transcript.

The video script and transcript is then passed back to my Campaign Agent, which creates additional social media posts from the video highlights. These posts are also scheduled for publication, ensuring continuous engagement with the audience.

This content strategy demonstrates how AI can be leveraged to streamline your content creation process. By using multiple AI agents, I can efficiently gather, refine, and promote content, reducing the time and effort required. While still creating my own content and speak in my tone and voice serving my mission & vision. This approach not only enhances my productivity but also ensures a higher quality and engaging content that resonates with the audience.

All my agents are nothing more then well defined detailed AI prompts which can be used with any AI model. I can use GPT’s, PI, Claude, Mistral or LlaMa. The key is writing good prompts.

Originally Appeared Here