Stay disciplined – The Hindu

Stay disciplined – The Hindu

I am preparing to take the UPSC exams this year. I have a B.A. Public Administration (Hons) from IGNOU. I’m also a writer with two anthologies to my name. I am not sure about my Plan B. What are the possible career options or further courses that I can do? Will joining an NGO help with the UPSC CSE? Siera

Dear Siera,

What about further studies in Public Policy, Governance or Public Affairs, given your background in Public Administration? You will find roles in government, non-profit organisations and consulting firms after this. You can also explore media and journalism or content writing and copywriting. Does research and academia interest you? Joining an NGO or working in the development sector can be satisfying and provide valuable experience and insight into social issues, public service and community development. Try volunteering at an NGO that focuses on areas like education, child care, healthcare, human rights, social welfare, and environmental conservation as this will complement your UPSC preparation, offer insights into socio-economic issues, governance challenges, and grassroots realities, and enhance your understanding of public service delivery, policy implementation, and community engagement. It will also demonstrate your commitment to public service and will strengthen your profile as a UPSC aspirant.

I’m in the first year of B.Tech. CSE. I want to take the UPSC exams. But I’m getting addicted to my mobile. How can I overcome this? Greeshmitha

Dear Greeshmitha,

Remember that overcoming this addiction requires self-discipline, patience and persistence. Stay committed and focus on your academic goal. Create a healthy study environment and commit to yourself that you will stay away from the phone during study hours. Make sure it is not near you, may be in another room or put it on Airplane Mode or switch it off. Set reasonable boundaries on usage: such as using it when you take a break or after you complete your portion. Limit access and delete any apps that distract you and mute notifications. Use apps like Pomodoro timer that will help you navigate your studies and free time.

Also, identify triggers and situations when you use the phone excessively: boredom, stress, feeling low, procrastination… Once you know, work on developing healthy coping mechanisms. Engage in some form of exercise to recharge the mind and the body and/or social engagements that will help put the gadgets away. Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practice will cultivate awareness of your thoughts, feelings and emotions. If nothing works, please meet a therapist to get help. Tech and gadget addiction is like any other addiction (the gadget being the substance). You will get support at the OPD of Rehabilitation centres, if not admitted for a detox plan.

After Class 12 (Science Stream), I earned a diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I am interested in spacecraft design and realised that Mechanical Engineering would have been a better option. Considering my family’s finances, should I opt for another diploma in Mechanical Engineering or do a B.Tech. in a relevant field? My aim is to independently decide, plan and execute spacecraft-related works. Adhithyan

Dear Adhithyan,

Make the decision to pursue another diploma in Mechanical Engineering or a B.Tech. in a relevant field after a detailed assessment of your career goals, personal circumstances and financial considerations. Can you seek guidance from your academic advisors and mentors who may be able to help you make an informed decision? A diploma provides hands-on technical skills and practical training in a shorter duration but a B.Tech. offers a more comprehensive curriculum, theoretical knowledge, and research opportunities. Evaluate how each educational option aligns with your career aspirations. Mechanical Engineering provides a strong foundation in mechanics, materials science, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics, deeply relevant to spacecraft design. Mechanical Engineering with a specialisation in Aerospace, will probably better suit your career goals. Consider the financial implications of both courses. Research career prospects, employment opportunities, salary potential, industry demand and potential for career growth in the aerospace or spacecraft design industry. Finally, it is all about your personal preferences, strengths and academic interest.

I have completed my B.Tech. Information Technology and want to enter the banking industry. How can I go about this? Dinesh

Dear Dinesh,

Have you considered an MBA in Finance? Enhance your financial fundamentals first to prepare for interviews and relevant job roles in the banking industry. You can also consider online certifications in banking operations, financial management, risk management, and regulatory compliance. You need knowledge and understanding of the banking industry, its structure, functions, products, services, regulations, and current trends. Network with bankers and industry professionals via networking events, industry conferences, professional associations, and online forums. Seek information to understand their career paths and explore roles that align with your skills, interests, and career goals. Highlight transferable skills from your IT background such as problem-solving, analytical thinking, attention to detail, project management, and communication skills, which are required in entry-level positions like technology analyst, business analyst, or data analyst. Look for opportunities to gain practical experience via internships. Stay updated with developments and trends in the industry and demonstrate your knowledge during interviews.

Disclaimer: This column is merely a guiding voice and provides advice and suggestions on education and careers. 

The writer is a practising counsellor and a trainer. Send your questions to with the subject line Off the Edge

Originally Appeared Here