Spotlight on: Chapter 3:  How I’ve been profiting from Liveleap, the FB Live Video Autopilot Syndication Tool

Spotlight on: Chapter 3: How I’ve been profiting from Liveleap, the FB Live Video Autopilot Syndication Tool

Your Benefits:  Grow your authority and profits automatically by posting 1 FB Live Video that then gets sent to your other social properties without any additional effort by you

So!  Ever since the FB Liveleap tool came out (click HERE and use coupon fbcoffee to drop the LIFETIME price!) (it automatically syndicates your FB videos to your FB groups, FB pages, and the upsell lets it go to your Twitter, eMail, LinkedIn and more)…. I’ve been having a dandy time using it!

I’ve created:

  • Marketing offers
  • Affiliate offers
  • The Word of the Day
  • The Daily Challenge

… and building up both my fanbase and also my bottom line.

How, I hear you ask?

Well!  I also run a CoffeeNMoose group over at .  There’s over 9,500+ members…. and it occurred to me that one great way to get comfy on Live Video was to incorporate my own Mooses in my business updates!

And check out the responses:

The Court Jester Moose Helps Out!

Now, I’ve been branding myself with *both* coffee and mooses (and PiggyMooses and Birdie and …)

And you’ll see how one person mentions the coffee theme…

… and another person shares how they love these videos!

Apply this to yourself now…. wouldn’t it be great to build your audience/bottom line the same way?

This Liveleap tool makes it easy to share your FB Live videos to your social properties automagically….

And our list only has the coupon fbcoffee that drops the price of Lifetime! (click here to see, use coupon fbcoffee to drop the price of Lifetime!)

To recap:

I am *loving* this FB Liveleap Video Syndication tool…..

I highly recommend you invest in it as well!

And stay tuned… for Chapter 4… when perhaps His Most Royal Highness, the Kingly Moose, might appear….

like this!

The Kingly Moose!
