Spotlight On:  17 Popular Done For You Coaching Forms…. free!

Spotlight On: 17 Popular Done For You Coaching Forms…. free!

Looking you for coaching forms?

How about free coaching forms?

How about 17 free coaching forms?

We’re talking:

Free Welcome Letter
As the first experience of your new client kit, your welcome letter will be warm, encouraging and build excitement for your time together

Free Payment Arrangements Form
It’s good to have a detailed agreement for a set payment schedule so everyone is on the same page regarding payments.

Free Client Invoice
This will help keep everyone on track with how many payments have been made, the payments left and how money is collected.


Catch that free client invoice form?

Free Client Call Notes
Keeping track of what was discussed during each session is vital to tracking progress and following up on agreed upon action steps.

Free Business Goals Worksheet
This worksheet offers an amazing accountability tool for you and your client to turn goals into actions.

Free Code of Ethics
Your promise to your client so she feels comfortable and confident in working with you.

Free How to Hold Me Accountable
Since everyone’s motivations are different, your client can use this form to tell you how to respond in certain situations.

Free My Coaching History Form
Get detailed information about your client’s coaching history, if they’ve had coaching, what worked, what didn’t or if they’re completely new to the world of coaching.

Free Referral Request
This referral request can be customized and emailed to your client when you have space open to accept new clients.

Free Intake Form
Using this form will allow you to gain a rudimentary picture of your client before the first meeting, so you come prepared to discuss where they’re currently at and where they wish to be.

Catch that free client intake form?

Free Ongoing Pre-Call Form
By allowing your client to evaluate herself before each coaching session, this will give you an idea of what is important to discuss before your next session.

Free Coaching Agreement
This is an agreement verifying the expectations for both you and your client during your sessions.

Free Monthly Review Form
Your client will be able to use this form to easily review her month.

Free How Coaching Works
Helping your client to understand your coaching style and your expectations will enable both of you to go forward with a clear understanding.

Free Confidentiality Agreement
This agreement verifies the confidential nature of the relationship for both you and your client.

Free How to Prepare for Coaching Session
Allow your client to prepare for her coaching session with you in the best way possible.

Free Coaching Success Guidelines
The guidelines governing your sessions are clearly laid out so that the sessions can be as productive and beneficial as possible.

Catch those other free client forms?

17 Free Coaching Forms!


…it’s all free and created by CoachGlue…..

Sterling material indeed.  Enjoy!