Quick Recap: THUD Part 1: I bought the Estate Premium IM Firesale…. here’s the first thing I want to tell you

Quick Recap: THUD Part 1: I bought the Estate Premium IM Firesale…. here’s the first thing I want to tell you


Barb Ling here and remember the premium IM Firesale I had mentioned a few days ago?

Well, I bought it.   And OMG.... what you *get*.

I adored the README first, which includes:

1) Please familiarize yourself with the terms of the reseller license. This is very important.

2) You will need a website, from which to sell the products. If you don't yet have a website, first you'll need to register a domain name. You can purchase a domain at a very low price at...

==> For a free tutorial about hosting please read: this free report

3) You should create an opt-in list of your customers. We recommend using AWeber to build your list: Get details here.

==> You can see how to set up a customer list in lesson #61.

4) You will need a sales page. You will find some pre-made sales pages for certain products within this firesale package. Other products do not come with sales pages. If using one of the pre-made sales pages, it is advisable that you customize the sales page to make it unique from other resellers. At the very least, you should put your name on it.

==> For information about how to craft an effective sales page please see lesson #51.

You can edit the sales page as you see fit.

5) You will need to put your payment link into the sales page, and setup a download page for your customers.

==> For instructions on how to configure these two things, please see lesson #54.

There is a pre-built download page included with the sales site. So basically you just need to upload the download page, along with the product zip files into the same folder on your website.

6) You will need to upload the files to your website.

==> For information about how to upload via FTP, please see lesson #29.

You can download a free FTP software client from Filezilla.

After uploading everything, be sure to go to your thank-you page and test the download links.

7) Once you've got it up and running, the final part of the equation is to drive targeted web traffic to your offer. You can learn about web traffic from these lessons.

==> (Lesson #72 through #88)

Did you notice something?

==> Every component to profiting from this... you also get the lessons on how to do so!

So right then and there....

You know the product is set up for ALL newbies to benefit from.

I'll close this email here and next time, will follow up with the million dollar content that is staring at me right now....

==> Content that is waiting for you!  (and btw, the upsell to this is the *source* material plus gigs more.... meaning you get PLR rights too.  And wow.... glorious this content is.  And also evergreen!

More soon,


Barb "More Sales" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS Massive THUD for upsell....