Quick Recap: SOFTWARE: Who doesn’t want zero cost traffic… without “gaming” Google?

Quick Recap: SOFTWARE: Who doesn’t want zero cost traffic… without “gaming” Google?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and have you heard of Google Chrome?

It’s Google’s browser and is hugely popular….

… and did you know there are literally 10s of thousands of “chrome extensions” that people can use for zero cost?

Well then!


==> Newbie Friendly Make Your Own Extensions Chromicode!

Your Benefits:  You get push button software so you can profit from Chrome Extensions – no programming necessary!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Have you see Chrome Extensions?

Ever wish you could make and profit from your own?


This software is called ChromiCode and it’s a push button software that lets you create powerful lead and traffic generating extensions with zero experience or coding know-how.

But the extensions this creates don’t just add a bookmark to your site!   You can make them do REALLY useful things which means people leave them installed.

And when someone installs your extension you IMMEDIATELY have all the following benefits:

1) You can send unlimited, unstoppable, persistent push notifications whenever you like.

2) You can ask them to sign up to your list.

3) You get an instant boost from Google because they rank extensions in their search results

4) You will be seen by countless people who daily search the directory.

Up until now you either had to learn to code or outsource getting an extension made.

But with ChromiCode you can create UNLIMITED extensions using a special wizard that’s been made for non-coders and non-techies!

==> See for yourself here!

And the enhancements?

Unlimited Developer Licenses…

… Agency Reseller licenses…

WP Editions…

==> Start your journey here!

I think you’ll really enjoy this one….


Grow strong,

Barb “More buy Buttons!”  Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:   It’s dimesale so price is rising with every purchase!