Quick Recap: ==>PLR Software: Convert HTML Funnels to WP!

Quick Recap: ==>PLR Software: Convert HTML Funnels to WP!


Barb Ling here and here be the latest!


Name:  Convert HTML Funnels to WP PLR Software

Your Benefits:  Not only can you use this yourself, but you can also sell it and keep 100% of the profits!

Obligatory Humor:  The Any Key – hiding in plain sight since 1973!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want resell rights on some rather awesome software?

Well then

=> Walk this way!

This is a supremely cool goodie that takes your typical HTML funnel pages (that you see in done-for-you businesses in boxes) and converts them into a WP Plugin!

Not only that, but you can resell the software and keep 100% of the profits too.

VERY cool indeed.

Thus, if you’re looking for a grand done-for-you product …

… that you can also profit from as is…

Check it out today!

Grow strong,

Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps: Dimesale so price is rising with each purchase….  http://askblings.com/plr2wp