Quick Recap: ==>PLR: Black Friday 2020 PLR

Quick Recap: ==>PLR: Black Friday 2020 PLR


Barb Ling here and here’s the latest!


==>  Black Friday PLR!

Your Benefits:   You get PLR to the Black Friday 2020 Shopping Tips report… and 15 updated Black Friday articles

Who should buy this:  People who want to profit from Black Friday but don’t know how to create the content

Who should not buy this:  Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor:  “Did you know Teslas don’t have that new car smell? They have more of an Elon Musk.”  🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Imagine you getting… this!

Report: Black Friday Shopping Tips for 2020

This is a 5+ page, 2,510-word report that starts with an introduction and then covers:

– You Will Still Be in Competition with Other Shoppers
– The Changes in Shopping Times for Black Friday
– What Hasn’t Changed Is Getting the Important Items First
– Changing Strategies So You Can Shop Across Multiple Sites
– Have Your Gift Giving List Ready


1. 2020 Will See an Increase in Black Friday Online Shopping – 453 words
2. Walmart’s Best Black Friday Deals – 482 words
3. Some Stores Are Closed for Black Friday – 488 words
4. Small Business Saturday Changes – 496 words
5. Shopping on Black Friday 2020 Like an Expert – 525 words
6. Pay Attention to Name Changes – 453 words
7. Is Black Friday Still Happening? – 465 words
8. Expect Big Sales on Black Friday – 442 words
9. Black Friday Shopping Strategies to Get the Best Deals – 477 words
10. Black Friday Shopping by Appointment – 494 words
11. Black Friday Deals Will Stick Around – 454 words
12. Black Friday Amazon Prime Day Changes – 445 words
13. Black Friday 2020: What You Need to Know – 488 words
14. Amazon’s Best Black Friday Deals – 510 words
15. Amazon Announces Black Friday Sales – 464 words

That’s a total of 20 pages that you get on sale for more than 50% off.

I’ve been writing professionally for 20 years now, so I know how to research, slant and create unique content from scratch. For the average person, this task is such a struggle, but I’ve done all the hard work for you.

And at just over $0.49 per page, it’s not just a good deal – it’s a steal! There’s no way you could get this kind of quality writing on a freelance gig site for this price.

How Can You Use This Content?

  • You can edit them or leave them as is, and put your name on them as the author.
  • You can use them on your blog. Posting fresh, top quality content helps you attract readers and get engagement and this content will definitely serve that purpose.
  • You can compile them into one or a series of guides.
  • You can engage readers on social media with it. Cut it up or use it in full on sites like Facebook, Twitter, and more so you can begin interacting with your followers.
  • Turn it into multi media. Use the content as a transcript to turn it into a YouTube video.
  • Promote products on Amazon or elsewhere to generate a commission as an affiliate.
  • …And More!


And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my links and immediately get my own

Rewriting PLR Strategy Pack

My own collection of the PLR tutorials out there!

Sounds good?  I think so – Tiff is known for superb quality in her PLR…

And this will give you the resources for profiting from Black Friday.


Grow strong,

Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator


ps  And the enhancements…

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==> Get it ALL here! ==>  http://askblings.com/bf2020plr

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