Quick Recap: oOo Amanda’s Bring a Smile Firesale? (7 for the price of 1, assets of a 6 figure business….

Quick Recap: oOo Amanda’s Bring a Smile Firesale? (7 for the price of 1, assets of a 6 figure business….

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Hey there,

Barb Ling here and ooo talk about an incredible deal!

One of my fav marketing colleagues, Amanda Craven, has *just* released her:

==> Bring a Smile Firesale!

And here's here story.

"...Once in a lifetime - you hope - something happens that rocks your world.

Everything changes overnight and you are left to pick up the pieces.

For Amanda, this was when her only child fell critically ill and was rushed into hospital. She stayed there for 6 long months.

And that was only the first time. Since then, she has been in and out of hospital, battling what is a lifelong disability.

Amanda is a single mom and also marketer which means she has to support them both while juggling hospital appointments, tests and looking after her daughter.

Sometimes it gets too much.

But they are living proof that you really can support your family through the internet...

Even when times are tough and the outlook is bleak.

Now she has decided to give back to the online world that has helped her so much by helping others to also live the dream....

...So she has put together an incredible firesale of some of her bestselling products.

Courses that have been Deals of the Day and that have transformed many lives!

Just one of these would normally cost way more than this deal...

...but she decided to make this such a no-brainer.

==> She put together SEVEN for one tiny price!

But be warned - this only runs for a few days. And she's never doing this again..."

Amanda's courses are, hands down, one of the BEST investments you can possibly make for 2018.

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own $297 Mastermind:

Product Creation Espresso 3 Weeks!

Sounds good?  My gosh yes - This is something that is truly a valuable goodie...

... and priced 'way too low for the goodness you get.


Grow strong,

Barb "More Commissions!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS: It's dimesale so price increases every time your competitors buy...
