Quick Recap: oOo – Amanda Craven’s Just Because Great Big Time Sensitive (Inbox files, Commissions Conspir, more!:  Just Because Sale

Quick Recap: oOo – Amanda Craven’s Just Because Great Big Time Sensitive (Inbox files, Commissions Conspir, more!: Just Because Sale


Barb Ling here and Sounds the coffeecups – Amanda Craven (you know her, right?  One of the smartest entrepreneurs online?) JUST released:


==>  The “Just Because” Sale!

Your Benefits:  You get not 1, not 2 but 3! of her best selling products for one teeny tiny price!!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

OMG she’s at it again!!

Amanda is one of those professionals whom you just love to follow and learn from….

not only because of her easy, down to earth, profitable training techniques…

… but also because she just plain shines.  Such an admirable person she is….

Learning from her is a treat!

And to quote her page:

Here’s What You Get, by Amanda Craven

The Inbox Files

The Insider Secrets To What Really Works In Email Marketing Right Now… And For Years To Come!

How to instantly increase your open rate

with subject lines that really work (hint: ‘Hey’ isn’t one of them)

Why copying what the gooroos are doing is the fastest way to the spam folder

and even the ban hammer

The calls to action that get them clicking through to buy

again, these are probably not what you expect

The power words that actually deliver a real punch

and hit those emotional buy buttons

Which words to avoid like the plague

or you’ll end up canned!

The real-life best times to send emails

as opposed to the theories put out there by…you guessed it…the gooroos

The method that can bring about a staggering 583% increase in CTR

and how you can do that for yourself!

Plus I supply fill in the blanks subject line templates

and power words you can swipe and steal so you simply cannot go wrong!

What You Get With The Inbox Files

To help you pinpoint that crucial target audience!!

Subject Line Swipes
Proven to work so all you need do is copy and deploy!

Main Course PDF
Step by step to email marketing that really works for you
You also get…
Commission Conspiracy

Discover How The Big Dawgs Really Rake In Those Enormous Incomes!

  • How to make a lot more money with minimal extra work
  • And open the doors to a whole new profitable dimension
  • Finally bring in regular income whenever you want – you control it
  • How to become a respected authority
  • The simple way to build not one but several lucrative lists
  • How you can finally do what the big dawgs really do
  • How to easily skyrocket your commissions with these simple tweaks
  • Translate your newfound expertise into products and services of your own
  • Make yet more money
  • Replicate this in almost any niche – I will teach you how to spot those that are suitable
  • No need to chase….your customers come to you
  • Outsmart the gooroos at their own game by doing what they really do and not what they say they do!

What You Get With Commission Conspiracy

Step By Step Videos
Sit back, relax and follow along with me as I lead you through my entire blueprint, insider secrets and all!

BONUS Easy Authority Blog Course
And to make sure you are absolutely covered, I also throw in this superb video course!

PDF With Screenshots
That you can download, read and digest at your leisure!
You also get…
Sexier Selling
How To Sell Much More Of Your Stuff Without Being Sleazy Or Salesy…

  • A step by step training system that teaches you Sexier Selling through text, video and practical exercises
  • Case studies that demonstrate what works…and what doesn’t…
  • The best ways to convey the right information to the right audience so that they go on to buy your offer
  • How to identify that offer – and the big promise it contains – so you can clearly communicate it to your audience
  • The Call To Action formula that practically compels your prospect to turn into a buyer (I say ‘practically’ because I don’t want to sound all hypey but this really does work like magic)
  • Why injecting elements such as storytelling for your savvy audience can make all the difference between them buying and clicking away…or worse, running away screaming…
  • The 3 Second Rule and how understanding this can be crucial to your success – and no, this has nothing to do with dropped food
  • What people really want from you and how to deliver it to them so that buying simply becomes part of the fun
  • And an awful lot more that I simply do not have room to include here or your head will start spinning!

What You Get With Sexier Selling

So you can fill in the blanks and keep them handy

Step By Step Videos
So you can watch and learn at your own pace

Main Course PDF
That teaches you everything you need to know about sexier selling
Get Your Just Because Sale Package Now for $141 Just:

==>  SO insanely underpriced!!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

eMail Marketing Authority

My own collection of  eMail Marketing tutorials you can use yourself!

Sounds good?    OMG yes.   Seriously, how can you get any better?

Don’t let this one get away from you….

Grow strong,

Barbara “More Buy Buttons!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  What did you think of that story?