Quick Recap: Not 1, not 2 but 10 FB power softwares waiting for you? Post manager, Clickable Images Creator, Message bot AND…

Quick Recap: Not 1, not 2 but 10 FB power softwares waiting for you? Post manager, Clickable Images Creator, Message bot AND…

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and I suppose this was named because, and I quote, it “takes the cake!” if you do ANYTHING wrt Facebook marketing.

‘Tis SociCake and offers you these benefits:

Software Tool #1: 
Rich FB Post Editor

You can now add BOLD Text, Italicized, Underlined & More on FB and make your post, comments, and ads stand out and capture people’s attention resulting in a HUGE boost in post engagement, leads, and sales.

Your audience on Facebook are not out to read literature…

Influencers and Celebrities like Russell Brunson regularly use rich posts for their ads to boost engagements


 Local Businesses owners like Restaurant owners or Salon owners would be blown away, when you show them…how you can make their USPs stand out and attract hundreds of customers for them using such posts.


Expert-Tip: Charge your customers per post or charge them an ‘X’ amount for making 5-10 such posts spread through a week. 

​Software Tool #2: 
Facebook Post Manager

Create and schedule link posts, image posts, video posts, call to action posts and slideshows across multiple Facebook pages and multiple Facebook accounts from one dashboard in minutes.

It’s true that Facebook allows you to add a Call To action button on your post. AWESOME FEATURE BUT unfortunately this is only available through Facebook Ads manager. But now with SociCake you can create a CTA post and schedule it across multiple Facebook pages and multiple Facebook accounts.

Use relevant CTAs to generate leads & list building, making sales and HUGE profits.


Insert your clients website link, or the link to their Menus and price cards. Send traffic directly to your customers right when they are most likely to buy/pay for the product/service being offered.


Expert-Tip: Here you can charge your clients per click that they get on their links…just like Google and Facebook themselves do.

​Software Tool #3: 
Clickable Images Creator

Turn every Image you post on social media into a viral traffic machine. Until now, the only way to include a link is to add it to the description below the picture. People hardly want to look at the description, unless they are looking for a link for more information about it.

And THAT’S what they click on…and SociCake helps you create clickable images that redirects ALL the traffic to your website.

Start today…and schedule unlimited clickable images across multiple pages and multiple Facebook accounts from 1 dashboard in a few clicks.


An Image of your Restaurant, Clinic, Salon made clickable with traffic redirected to your own website or landing page…is a no-brainer to have for any local business.


Expert-tip: Charge per Image or per click…your choice.

Software Tool #4: Messenger Bot

​Chatbots create an active user experience, unlike apps and websites…and help you create an interactive marketing campaign

Easily create a Facebook Messenger bot for marketing, sales and support…without ANY coding or designing skills.

Boost engagement on your website, respond and assist visitors (without even being there in-person) and consistently turn cold prospects into recurring paying customers.
With SociCake, create unlimited bots and automation for unlimited pages with automatic conversation flows. You can use these flows to deliver value, drive traffic, convert contacts into leads and make sales.


No local business is 24×7. But with SociCake, you can help service clients like making reservations at a restaurant for the next day…a reality for your local business clients.


Charge BIG money here. Creating such Bots involves a lot of hard work and coding skills. Of course, you’d be doing it in minutes using SociCake – but your customers don’t have to know that (Shhhh…)

Software Tool #5:

 Messenger Broadcaster

Broadcast messages are the most powerful marketing tool today. Now blast promotional and follow up messages to those that have engaged with your page. Send unlimited broadcasts to subscribers across your pages and multiple Facebook accounts from a single easy-to-use dashboard in minutes.

No coding skills required. Just choose a subset of people who’ve messaged you and hit them with a text blast, an image and even select a call to action like a button to redirect them to your offers or customer support.

With an average 90% open rates and 4 to 10 times higher CTRs compared to email…Messenger is the #1 app in the US and Canada with over 1 billion active users.


Advise Local Clients to come up with promotional offers which you can then broadcast to an entire list in one go.


Expert-tip: You can charge your clients as per the size of the list. At least, that’s how I’d do it 🙂

Software ​Tool #6: Comment Bot

Here’s a virtual assistant to manage your Facebook page 24/7…Now set up an automated response (public and private reply) to everyone who comments on your Facebook post based on keywords and phrases.

Skyrocket lead generation, sales and profits by engaging your audience in this innovative way. Create a post and at the end ask a question to which there can be only a limited number of replies. Add those replies as ‘keywords’ and bam…

Hit people who leave comments on your posts with Broadcast Messages and drive them to your offers or website…Turn your Facebook post into an traffic sucking ad without paying a penny for it.

This is perfect for Facebook Advertisers who want maximum engagements, E-Commerce Sellers looking to boost sales, Brands trying to build recognition, Product Vendors trying to provide better support, Facebook Fan Page Owners seeking to grow your page and Content Creators who want to build their audience bas


This is like offering your local businesses a full-time round-the-clock customer care service for their patrons. It’s definitely a ‘Hot-Sell’.


Expert-tip: You can charge your clients a monthly recurring for this service.

​Software Tool #7: Soci Inviter

Soci Inviter is a growth hacking tool that converts post likes into fan page likes by mass inviting everybody who liked your posts to like your fan page.

You work hard and carefully create a Facebook post that goes viral…but sadly people end up only liking your post without liking your page. The solution is to invite them to like your page.

Now, it’s true that Facebook allows you to invite people who liked your posts manually, one by one, eating into an already highly scarce and valuable resource today i.e. your time…Socicake Inviter is a growth tool that allows you to invite everyone in 1 click.



Local businesses would be more than happy to get more fans to their Fanpages (isn’t that the reason for them to have a fan page to begin with?).


Expert-Tip: You can charge per 100 Likes or something like that.

Software Tool #8: FB Ads & Content Designer

When I said a complete tool kit…I meant it. What’s the point if you have the tool but to use it you still have to hire someone.

Now pump out jaw-dropping & high converting designs in just minutes…with Zero Technical Or Design Skills. Facebook post, Timeline covers, Facebook ads, Viral Quotes, Memes… and many more.

You get 1,423 premium design templates, 7.5 million stock design assets, 450,000 Viral quotes and a lot more.


Sell this as an add-on service to Local Business owners. Tell them you have a full-time designer working for you (it will be SociCake working for you secretly)



Expert-Tip: Check the prices of such designs on platforms like Fiverr before quoting a price. Don’t undercharge!

Software ​Tool #9: Optin Link

SociCake is a 1-click lead capture platform. Now easily create links that capture the name and email address of those that click on it without a landing page or an opt-in form. Think of the thousands of people who click on your links…but are just far too lazy to enter their name & email to get your lead magnet. SociCake will convert them to leads on autopilot.

No more fake email IDs or dummy emails. You can even sync real time with over fifteen popular autoresponders and Zapier through web hooks.



Generate leads and build a list for your clients that they can send promotional offers to.


Expert-Tip: Money is in the list…that’s no secret. Sell that list to your clients (or build it for them) for a hefty amount.

​Software Tool #10: Live Engine

Upload a pre-recorded video and broadcast it live across multiple Facebook pages and multiple Facebook account from one dashboard. This is a complete set-n-forget system.

Unlike other tools out there in the market, there is no need to open your computer during the livestream. Everything is done from the cloud. Just schedule and forget it.


Use your clients promotional video and upload it making it look like you are a happy customer who has just gone live because of the exceptional experience you are enjoying being there.


Expert-Tip: That’s again a high-value service. Make sure to check prices for such services before offering them to your clients.

’tis really cool… if you do FB marketing at all, you definitely want to check this out today!

Grow strong,

Barbara “Work Smart!” Ling

ps –  And the enhancements…