Quick Recap: => Make your own product from this? (PLR Rights included)?

Quick Recap: => Make your own product from this? (PLR Rights included)?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and HEADSUP!  Dennis Becker and I are holding a FLASH sale until Sunday for this extremely powerful goodie and….

You can use the coupon code


on EVERY page inside the offer!

… and…..

Not only the THUD…..


THE QUALITY!!!!  <insert swooning here>

’tis perfect for product creation and so much more…..



==> 320,000 Words Premium Content (ebooks, mini-reports, articles)
Use coupon code FSF30 to drop the price on ANY product you see in this offer!

Your Benefits:  You get fresh PLR rights to 320,000 premium IM words (from TOP well-known Marketers) and …


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Imagine you owned and could use in dozens of ways…

… topnotch PREMIUM goodness….

…. FRESH…..

… most of which never before released….


1. 102,000 words approximately of content from the Paid Membership IM Inside Track, 70 long articles with 5 articles each from 14 categories:

affiliate marketing
email marketing
income generation
joint ventures
passive income
product creation
self publishing
social marketing
traffic generation

2. 88,000 words approximately of content from Daily Seminar, a membership site with content created by Jason Fladlien and Robert Plank.

There are 15 long seminar transcripts (average is 4,800 words each, mini-report!), on the following topics:

  • How to Overcome Skepticism
  • An Advanced Sales Tactic: The Red Herring
  • The Committment & Consistency Principle
  • Master Story Telling in 7 Days or Less
  • Problem Solving Strategies for You and Your Clients
  • The Secret of Three Modalities
  • How to Handle Failure
  • Package Selling vs. Cafeteria Selling
  • How to Get Massive Responses From Your Emails
  • How to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life
  • Simple Copywriting Solutions
  • Overnight Blogging
  • How to Get Crazy Good at Interviews
  • How to Launch a New Product Every 7 Days
  • Video Marketing on Crack

3. 49,000 words approximately of ebooks created by Sean Mize, 8 ebooks in total.

4. 4 full eBooks from Dennis Becker, former best-sellers on the Nanacast platform, total approximately 85,000 words.

  • 24 Secrets of the World’s Most Successful People, 13,000+ words – sells for $10 (personal use only at that price)
  • 100K Bucks a Year, 32,000+ words – sells for $17 (personal use only at that price)
  • Kindle Cheats, 6,000+ words – sells for $17 (personal use only at that price)
  • Powerful Passive Profits, 32,000+ words – sells for $27 (personal use only at that price)

And you know what this means?

It means that you will possess over a YEARS’ worth of massive quality IM authority content…

… you could use for all sorts of things (blog posts, coaching and/or training, paid membership site content, bonuses for purchase of a product of your own or as an affiliate, used as scripts for Youtube videos or podcasts, etc.)

==> See it here!
Use coupon code FSF30 to drop the price on ANY product you see in this offer!

And the enhancements?

They’re really good, I mean really really REALLY

* Resell rights to this huge amount of content so you can keep 100% of the commissions…

*  800,000 ADDITIONAL Words (making it over a 1,000,000 strong!)

* Personal Transformation PLR….

* 1,000+ IM Lessons….

==> Start your adventure here!
Use coupon code FSF30 to drop the price on ANY product you see in this offer!

Seriously, you can apply this evergreen content to any niche imaginable….

See for yourself!

Sounds good?  Gosh yes – such premium content at such a ridiculously low price….

What’s not to adore?


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps –  ==> DIMESALE so price is rising… get in soon!
Use coupon code FSF30 to drop the price on ANY product you see in this offer!