Quick Recap: Imagine using Facebook as an autoresponder…. (coupon inside!): Shot Messenger FE

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and did you see this?


==> S Messenger!

Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!

Your Benefits:  You can now send automated drip messages via FB Messenger!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Imagine being able to send a high converting autoresponder sequence….

Via FB!

This software lets you send smart messages (just like an autoresponder!) with 100% inboxing…

But not only that:

Broadcast Fb Messages to Thousands of Subscribers Instantly

This is a new age auto-responder and bulk messaging tool to remain in touch with customers and subscriber with 100% In-boxing & Open Rate Guaranteed

Add People who click on your Ads to your Fb Messenger List

Add audience to your FB messenger when they click on your ad…
Get more in the same ad spend …
Grow messenger List of highly targeted leads in Any Niche

Send Auto-Set Message in Fb Messenger

Based on usage of specific word’s on post or hashtags mentioned on comments

Send Auto-Set Reply in  Fb Messenger

Based on specific words or hashtag used in the message received

Post Auto-Set Comment  on fb posts

Based on specific Keywords or Phrase

Shot Messenger Analytics

To enable you to check your campaigns engagement

Create Any Automated replies to  your broadcast

Shot messenger has ability to give any reply to you broadcast with canned response

Message entire FB page

Message any entire FB page in messenger with just 1 Click

Exclusive Elite  Training

We are giving you exclusive Elite Training on how to Gain 25k followers in any Niche for free!

==> See for yourself!

Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!

Other reasons why?

So glad you asked!

Consider the following:

50 Times Better Than Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the oldest form of traffic method – Evergreen & good but not that reliable as it was earlier.

Few months back Gmail became strict and open rate dropped from 20% to 4% straight away for 99% of online entrepreneurs.

But 100% of your subscriber will see your message in fb messenger and everyone will be instantly notified on browser/app notification as this is new message on fb messenger app.

Use As Live Chat On Website (Fb Chat) – Free for Lifetime

Don’t invest 1000s of dollars in zopim, intercom & other costly Live chat solutions when you can get best Live Chat service via FB Chat for FREE.

Set auto-reply, collect REAL Email ids, add them to subscriber list easily via Shot Messenger Live Chat On Website.

Use Live Chat as:

  • Support
  • Sales Bots
  • Feedback Bots
  • Research Bots
  • Training Bots
  • Ecommerce Bots

10X Better Than Double Optins Leads

It’s hard to reach 50% open rate even with double optin subscribers after recent Gmail changes.

Story is similar for Comcast, yahoo, Hotmail and other email companies.

Use Shot Messenger for 10 times more engagement rate with 100% open rate guaranteed.

==> Whatcha waiting for?

Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!

Collect REAL leads On Website Use Shot Messenger interactive buttons

(New Era CTA)

Subscribers do add fake email ids to opt-in in new era because they are tired of receiving promotional mails.

But they can’t do it in fb messenger as primary email id (email id of their facebook account) is referred in shot messenger for messenger message.

You will collect REAL Targeted Leads from your website using
our Shot Messenger Interactive, new colourful CTA Buttons

Convert Non Fans Into Fb Page Fans

If subscriber has not liked your fb fan page, you can send them message with click button.

Convert All non fans to Fans with this smart strategy using Shot Messenger.

You can send this type of message with click button to anyone who has even commented on your page or messaged you

Connect All Offline Prospect in 1 Click

Add facebook messenger bar code on your visiting card or add your offline list messenger list link

As soon as they visit that link or scan bar code
They’ll be added to list.

You can message this offline list at once making them feel like it’s personal message just for them

Convert eMail subscribers to your Fb Messenger Subscriber

Make each list with same name correspondence to your email marketing list.

Simply send link of each messenger list (link provided in shot messenger)
as part of your mail to respective list and ask them to click on it.

Anyone who click on this link will join your messenger list.
Keep repeating the cycle to convert over 95% of your email list as fb messenger list

Get all subscribers on messenger list to boost your engagement via 10X.

Grow 1 fan pages using other fan pages & replicate process for all fan pages

Want to increase likes, engagement, views of particular fan page or newly made fan page

Using Shot Messenger, you can message other fan pages about this 1 fan page
Add Like button, link or anything on which you want to increase engagement.

Grow fan pages on steroids without much efforts using your own audience.

Source Fresh Viral Content In Any Niche

Source Fresh Viral Content across the web in any niche & Schedule it to your subscribers to keep high engagements level [Coming In 3 Weeks]

Auto-Set campaigns to send highly relevant and viral content to your different list in messenger to keep higher engagement levels.

Fb Messenger List better than Fb Fans

Fb Fan page reach is only 6% as compared to 100% on fb messenger.

Your all post don’t reach every fan of yours unlike message in messenger.

Increase engagement of each fan page via Shot Messenger

Better than Fb Ads (free & best Targeting)

Fb Ads is new age Traffic source which is pretty cool but It’s PAID, require learning & expertise apart from routine work of making

good graphics and text content for ads without which ad campaign can FAIL badly.

I’m not suggesting you to quiet Fb Ads.

Simply adding Shot messenger and Fb Messenger marketing with 5X your results with Fb Ads using one of the feature of shot messenger.

Increase your fb page response time and overall reach

Auto-Set message which are set on particular keyword or hashtags will send accurate response to each received message on your fb page INSTALTY.

Thus decreasing your page response time to Instantly which is good to increase your reach, superior trust & build brand authority online

==> But that’s not all!

Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!

Use as Support Desk [Free for Lifetime]

Why invest thousands of dollars in support desk solutions.

Use Shot Messenger as new era Support desk system with canned messages,
Auto-set messages for reply, comment or message.

Customers will be happy with ultra fast response.

Interactive FAQ, Coupon Codes & Surveys

Dump those tools, pop-ups or static style of FAQs.

Now you can make interactive FAQs, send coupon codes & make interactive surveys via shot messenger.

Use On Your Shopify or
eCom Store

[With Shopify App]

On Special request of Shopify e-Commerce sellers who served as our beta users.

We’re adding Shopify app for e-Commerce sellers to leverage all features of Shot Messenger on their shopify/eCom Store.

With Word press Plugin (Specially for WordPress Sellers)

Want to increase likes, engagement, views of particular fan page or newly made fan page

Using Shot Messenger, you can message other fan pages about this 1 fan page
Add Like button, link or anything on which you want to increase engagement.

Grow fan pages on steroids without much efforts using your own audience

Increase overall Viewership, Engagement & Exposure by alerting fb messenger list for new updates

Adding new video to youtube?
Added new blogpost on your website?
Want to promote new eCom/affiliate offer?
Want to send traffic to any link?
Want to update audience about new arrivals, new updates?

Use Shot Messenger & message your subscribers

Create Smart Sequence

Trigger intelligent messages based on user behavior to boost Engagement by 10X

Send targeted auto-set message depending on user’s interaction or reply to previous message.

This feature is only available in high end costly email marketing solution for email senders.

We made it possible in fb messenger marketing suite only In shot messenger

Fb Messenger is Better Than Facebook

Your each & every subscriber see your every message (Reach is 100%) as compared to 6% organic reach pages or groups on Facebook.

No other platform has 100% reach.

FB Messenger is Powerful Juicy machine If Used with Shot Messenger

100% Facebook compliant – Fb Approved

Facebook only approve quality use of their API

Getting approved from Facebook is in itself biggest selling point for any project team.

We’re going recurring after this special launch period…

==> Woothoo!

Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

FB Marketing Power

My own collection of power FB Marketing tutorials!

Sounds good?  Indeed – FB is HUGE and where your customers are hiding….

So why not reach them today?


Grow strong,

Barb “coffee cup!”  Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  Bonuses too!
Use coupon barbcoffee to drop the price!