Quick Recap: ==> How to be paid to create 97/197 buck products?

Quick Recap: ==> How to be paid to create 97/197 buck products?


Barb Ling here and ever wish you knew the entire behind-the-scenes thingees of how to really beef up your income?

One thing I wrote long ago about which I am rather proud….

It’s the How to move from $7 to $97 and beyond products and even…

How to be paid to actually CREATE that $97 product in the first place!

But not only that – that’s also bundled into the:

500 non-IM niches 7 Day eClasses goodie as well…. (that will help you build the like/like/trust in hundreds and hundreds of niches!

Add to THAT the entire Big Ticket Goodness where you can become THE authority in your niche…

… where folks will buy from YOU first….

What are you waiting for?

Grab it here!


Methinks you’ll find this quite the bargain…. Enjoy!

Grow strong,

Barbara “More commissions” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps: it’s waiting for you…

==> And that’s just 1/14th of what’s waiting for you