Quick Recap: Give this PREMIUM Kindle Empire How-To as a gift (business tax deduction perhaps too?

Quick Recap: Give this PREMIUM Kindle Empire How-To as a gift (business tax deduction perhaps too?

 Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly:

If you participate in gift giving this year, AND/or you have a friend/colleague/loved one/etc who wants to master profiting on Kindle....

You really want to consider the following!

Now, pls ignore the fact the sales page could be 'way better....

But it's by Alessandro who is one of the best-known Kindle product creators out there!

And here's some of the goodies you'll learn:

 Secrets You Never Heard About Kindle, Paper Books and Audiobooks!

You Will Learn How To Write And Publish Non-Fiction Guides And Fiction Stories To Earn A Living That Grows With Time With a Strategy You Never Seen Before Applied To Books.

It’s Very Easy, And Amusing as well!

He writes it includes:

- MY SECRET METHOD to create Kindle books in the right niches and that go automatically into the first few places on Kindle marketplace, knowing how much they earn and sell month by month.

- My secret list of over 2,145 niches to test out on Kindle marketplace.

- How to write, or get written by freelancers, all your ebooks, in little guides from 2,500 to 5,000 words.

- How to use PLR content in the unique permitted way to create outstanding ebooks.

- How to proofread and format your bookfor just $10.
- How to publish the ebooks on Kindle marketplace.

- How to use a pen name.

- How to get a lot of free ebook reviews.

- How to generate free traffic to your Kindle books.

And more, to dominate another 2 markets (Audiobooks and Paper Books!)

- How to create your audiobooks for free.

- How to publish the same ebook as a paper book.

- How to format your book.

- How to get a wonderful cover designed for you.

- The step-by-step procedure to get your book approved.

- More advertising methods.

And more, how to start creating your first thriller stories!

- How to create your first thriller story.

- How to write short thriller stories and make fast sales.

- How to find winning ideas for your thriller book.

- How to get the right characters and plot to make your book a success.

- 2 techniques to create an unexpected final.

- How to develop a series by avoiding the most common errors.

- And a lot more video lessons on Kindle coming in the next few months!


Well then!


More soon!

Methinks you'll enjoy it greatly.

Grow strong,

Barb "More Buy Buttons!" Ling

ps - Again, the sales page does NOT do it justice at all but the content... WOW!