Quick Recap: FRESH: An entire PLR Sell Your Products Via Bitcoin Business in a box (20 videos plus)

Quick Recap: FRESH: An entire PLR Sell Your Products Via Bitcoin Business in a box (20 videos plus)

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and Charles just released his latest powerhouse PLR:

==> Bitcoin PLR! ==> 20 Tutorial Videos On How To Sell Via Bitcoin!

Here's the titles you'll gain:

1. Introduction

2. A Word About Bitcoin and Stripe

3. Set Up with Bitpay

4. Marketplaces

5. Set Up with Your Cloud-Based Network

6. Creating a Product

7. Adding Your Autoresponder

8. Adding Your Coupons and Upsells

9. Adding Your Affiliate Program

10. Set Up Alternative Cloud-Based Network

11. Set Up Bitcoin in the 2nd Cloud-Based Network

12. Add A Product in the 2nd Network

13. Add A Pay Button for the 2nd Network

14. Add Your Button to the Page In the 2nd Network

15. Affiliate Marketing for the 2nd Network

16. Coupons for the 2nd Network

17. E-Mail Marketing for the 2nd Network

18. Blacklisting Buyers in the 2nd Network

19. Bitcoin on WordPress

20. Conclusion

==> And you can keep 100% of the profits!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own:

Bitcoins Strategy Pack

My own collection of the best resources for Bitcoins

Sounds good?  I think so....

Charles always releases high quality goodness.....

... and this increases *fast*.


Grow strong,

Barb "More Profits!" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS:  Don't forget the enhancements...
