Quick Recap: Forgot the coupon: 70% across the board affiliate commissions are one enhancement…

Quick Recap: Forgot the coupon: 70% across the board affiliate commissions are one enhancement…


Barb Ling here and here’s a grand 70% across the board affiliate commissions offer:

See it here!
Use coupon smartbarbcoffee to save big!

And what is it?

Well then!

Ever wish you could increase your profits while making things fun for your customers as well?

It’s this!

==> Smart Funnels
Use coupon smartbarbcoffee to save big!

And whats cool about this is not only do your customers enjoy what you share….

… but it makes the adding of ‘money pages’ really really simple as well!

We’re talking thingees like:

* 100% Newbie Friendly Cloud Based Web App

* Beautiful Drag-And-Drop Money Page & Funnel Builder

* Capture Email Addresses Before Displaying Results

* Create ‘Money Pages’ To Generate Immediate Income & Revenue

* Create Simple Lead Funnels In Under 60 Seconds

* Display Ads On Your Money Pages

* Get Viral Free Traffic With 1-Click Social Sharing

* Insert Video & Images Into Your Quizzes

* Integration With PayPal For Instant Payments

* NO Hosting Is Required


* Never Before Seen Technology Creates High Interactive Quizzes And Polls

* Nothing To Download – Hosted Surely Online

* Offer Discounts & Coupon Codes

* Redirect To ANY Page Automatically Once Results Are Displayed

* Sell Products & Services With Just One Click

* Sell Your Own Products or Promote Affiliate Offers

* Three Step Newbie Bullet Proof Formula

* Three Types of Quizzes and Polls Can Be Created

* Underground Traffic Strategies Included

* Use The Money Pages To Giveaway Products

* Variety of Money Pages Can Be Created From The Beautiful Templates

And the enhancements?

Done for you Funnels…

Bonus template funnels

5 eCommerce Money Pages plus more….

Automatic Traffic Flow

Resellers Rights…

==> Start your journey here!
Use coupon smartbarbcoffee to save big!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my *own*

Profitable Split Testing Made Simple

which shows you how to you can zero in on what delivers you the *most* profits online!

Sounds good?

I think so… customers generally respond great to such things….

… and now that you can tie in your moola pages too….

What’s not to adore?



Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of the video?
Use coupon smartbarbcoffee to save big!