Quick Recap:  EARLYBIRD coupon: Instagram, FB AND Twitter profits… all managed from 1 spot?: SociDeck Starter Plan

Quick Recap: EARLYBIRD coupon: Instagram, FB AND Twitter profits… all managed from 1 spot?: SociDeck Starter Plan


Barb Ling here and this just went live!  There’s a coupon too:


==> SociDeck!
Use coupon sdearlybird to take off big!

Your Benefits:   You can manage your Instagram, FB AND Twitter accounts all from one central spot!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

You might have seen I’m now using Instagram big…

…. but alas, it doesn’t tie into Buffer at all.   🙁

Well!  This goodie just got released… and takes only 3 steps:

Step 1.)  Add your FB Twitter and/or Instagram account

Step 2.)  Manage everything via posts, mentions, tweets, likes and all kind of social activity from a single dashboard!  You can also post directly or schedule multiple accounts easily as well.

Step 3.)  Enjoy leads, sales AND profits!  Because now the action begins, and SociDeck gets into proactive mode and attracts real people from the top social media giants in a completely automated fashion….

==> So you just sit back!
Use coupon sdearlybird to take off big! 

And the enhancements?

Unlimited accounts..

… RSS…

… Enterprise edition…

… Even Reseller option where you can claim 100% across the funnel!

==> Start your journey here!
Use coupon sdearlybird to take off big! 

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Social Media Marketing Strategy Pack

My own collection of the BEST Social Media profit techniques around!

Sounds good?   Gosh yes… I’ve been looking for an Instagram tie in because its so effective….

And this will help you profit from it … *today*!


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Sales!!!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps:  Bonuses too!
Use coupon sdearlybird to take off big!