Quick Recap: Did you miss your own autoresponder?: SENDEngine

Quick Recap: Did you miss your own autoresponder?: SENDEngine


Barb Ling here and did you see?


==> Autoresponder Send Engine Cloud Based Software!

Your Benefits:   You get software that allows you to instantly import your list and mailing to them within seconds!


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Want more opens?

And no monthly fees?

[+] No restrictions -> direct import and start mailing right away

[+] One-time fee

[+] Better deliverability

[+] 100% Secure and in your control. Your lists stay with you

[+] No opt-in / double opt-in requirements

[+] Ultra-fast mailing

[+] Mail free for life using your own SMTP integration, or pay as
you go with API integration from Sendgrid, Mailgun, Amazon, etc.

==> Grab it here!

And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and receive my $297
eMail Marketing Mastermind!

Sounds good?  I think so – backup or even primary autoresponders…..

What’s not to love?


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Sales!!!” Ling

ps –  DIMESALE so price is increasing with every sale… go grab it now!