Quick Recap: =>Did you miss: PLR: Give this 1 page critical Covid19 Authority Cheatsheet away (includes DFY Template and..

Quick Recap: =>Did you miss: PLR: Give this 1 page critical Covid19 Authority Cheatsheet away (includes DFY Template and..

Hi, Barb Ling here and very quickly… this is ending soon!


Benefits:  You can keep 100% of profits and brand it as your own…

Who should buy this:  People who want to profit from DFY

Who should not buy this:  People who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor:  “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!”   🙂


Hey there,

Barb Ling here and …..

Corona Virus is here and devastating the world.

And one thing you can offer…

… is hope!

People WANT to learn the latest updates and how they can best protect themselves.

Thing is, people also prefer quick answers – no big huge PDF, but instead, a 1 page cheatsheet that gives them the crucial links NOW for them to find the best information online!

But you know… cramming all of that info into an easy-to-follow cheatsheet can be difficult unless you know *how*.

Luckily, that’s what me and Dennis Becker (we have more than 44 years of experience between them!) are known for!

We have just released (and remember, the page is very mobile-friendly old-school – no flashy graphics, no “slick” design – you’ll simply get what we are known for – quality products that stand on their own) our proven:

Blog/Social Optin Gift: Corona Virus Authority Info Cheatsheet PLR AND a Cheatsheet template!!

Clocking in at only 1 page (quick read!) it gives you:

*  First, Learn How To Lessen the Risk of Contracting CV (4 Authority Resources)

*  How to Find the Valid CV Resource Sites to See The Latest Data (including what the FTC is Doing about CoronaVirus!)

*  Help Others by Raising Their Spirits, Sharing This Cheatsheet (and be a light that shines in the darkness!)

And even more!

==> See for yourself:

You can change this easy-to-edit goodie in any way you’d like, and then:

*  Give it away as an optin on your blog (and build your list!)

*  Use it as an “I will teach you” gig on Fiverr  (and include upsell gigs!)

*  Brand it with your info and sell it on Gumroad (you can charge whatever you’d like!)

*  Change the topic completely (people LOVE cheatsheets, they’re so quick to consume!)

*  MORE!  

The enhancements are pretty cool as well:

* Monthly Dennis and Barb Coaching via eMail (that includes SO much thud… it’s insane how little the cost of entry is)

* my own Corona Virus Authority and Uplifting Humor Feedly Dashboards

* A HUGE amount of PLR and Authority THUD to help you with this year’s earnings

==> It’s waiting for you!

Just imagine… within 30 seconds you could have at your fingertips the editable source for a proven Cheatsheet… brand is as your own… and do whatever you’d like with it!

What are you waiting for?

But you have to hurry – this low price won’t last long…


Grow strong,

Barb Ling

Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – it’s less than the cost of a night out at the movies…

pps – your audience needs this hope…