Quick Recap: DFY: 2018 Resolutions: Womens Weight Loss (done for you, clickbank!): Weight Loss For Women Affiliate List Building Pack: The 7-Day Product System

Quick Recap: DFY: 2018 Resolutions: Womens Weight Loss (done for you, clickbank!): Weight Loss For Women Affiliate List Building Pack: The 7-Day Product System

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just crossed my path!

Women's Weight Loss Clickbank Funnels

As you know....

To be a successful affiliate marketer in ANY niche, there are certain things you need to have, and certain thingsyou need to do...

You MUST build a list

No matter what niche you are working in, you must build a list. 95% of the visitors you send to even the best converting affiliate offer will not buy first time. With the right traffic, and the right offer, a lot more WILL buy given time, but unless they are on your list, most likely it will be through someone else's link.Do not send traffic direct to an affiliate page - give them a reason to join your list first, THEN send them to the affiliate offer.Which brings me to the second thing...

You MUST offer value

First, this value must be given right away when you get the potential customer to join your list.So this means that you must offer a GREAT reason for them to give you their email - by giving them something they really want, something of true value that they would even be happy to pay for.A crappy ebook will just not cut it anymore.
And the third thing...

You must CONTINUE to provide value!

Once someone has joined your list, you'll start to send them emails, right?But always remember, it's not JUST you who'll be sending them emails - you and a thousand others. You know how busy your inbox is, all the junk that arrives there - your subscriber's inbox will be EXACTLY the same.  You must give them a good reason to open YOUR emails. You must build that relationship, make them actually LOOK FORWARD to your next email hitting their inbox.

And this goodie... gives you all that!

More soon....

Grow strong,

Barb Ling

ps -  Bonuses too!
