Quick Recap: Coupon plus LAST CALL 11:59pm: Chrome Engage zooms up in price: ChromEngage

Quick Recap: Coupon plus LAST CALL 11:59pm: Chrome Engage zooms up in price: ChromEngage


Barb Ling here and this is ending TONIGHT!  Price increasing to $67….

You know how these days, you can find Chrome extensions that are downloaded by the millions….

… that area easily monetized as well?

Well then, lookie here

==> Chrome Engage!

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It’s really cool – here’s the insiders tips:

A brand new way to get highly targeted leads on complete autopilot has just been released.

It’s incredible, No kidding.  In the video Cindy has one live in under 2 mins

==> See it in action here!

Use coupon: save8 !

They’ve called it ChromEngage and it’s a powerful software tool that lets you
– Fill out a simple form (your website name, address and logo etc)
– Connect your autoresponder account
– Hit the download button and YOU’RE DONE

You’ll get a zip file that you just upload to the Google Chrome Directory where you’ll start getting free traffic and signups completely hands free.

You can even crank up your results faster by adding their widget on your website.

(This part is completely optional by the way.)

You’ll still see leads coming in from the directory whether you have it on your website or not…

But, with each ChromEngage lead magnet you build, they give you a line of code (or WP plugin for even faster integration) – that automatically detects the browser and recommends they add your extension.

When someone adds your chrome extension to their browser FOUR POWERFUL things instantly happen for you.

You’re able to send unlimited push notifications (no fees, charges, usage limits)

You’ll display a lead capture form, adding them to your email list

You’ll be getting an incredible SEO boost from Google themselves (in their directory)

You’ll also get free search traffic within the directory itself

All completely handsfree after the easy setup.

I’ve been wanting to learn how to monetize chrome extentions myself…..

==> But that’s not all..

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I think, up until now – there’s been this idea that Chrome Extensions are expensive to build and complicated to get approval by the Big G (aka. Google)

But ChromEngage has removed ALL tech hassles.

Submitting it to the Google Directory was shockingly simple, you just upload the zip file and that’s it.  It takes about 15-30 minutes for it to populate across the internet, then it’s live and has already gone to work for you.

I really thought there was more to it, but nope!  Its push button simple.

Google charges a $5 fee to add up to 20 extensions to their directory (nothing like… iTunes that charges over $100 a year!) and approval to their dev program was instant.

Everyone should be using this – and now, it’s so easy, literally anyone can.

==> Price increasing soon!

Use coupon: save8 !

More soon….

Grow strong,

Barbara “More buy buttons!” Ling

==> Ending TONIGHT!
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