Quick Recap: CONVERTED EVENT: He paid more than 3K for this event… you can now get *these* notes?: 2017 Converted Notes

Quick Recap: CONVERTED EVENT: He paid more than 3K for this event… you can now get *these* notes?: 2017 Converted Notes

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and want the *best* takeaways from one of the most sought-after marketing events (going on now)?


==> Preorder: Official Converted 2017 Secret Notes

Your benefits:  You get the best takeaways from the Leadpages.net event that taught zillions!


Brief pithy and to the point:

Loook at this guest list and if you weren’t there, you can now seize the secrets shared:

Kevin Smith
Keynote Speaker 

Kevin Smith started his career as a low-budget filmmaker… and built a multi-media empire with movies, TV shows, and one of the most successful podcasts in history! 
Clay Collins
Co-founder of Leadpages

Clay was personally responsible for over 48K paid subscribers and the point man behind Leadpages’ acquisition of Drip.co, the leading marketing automation platform for SMBs.
Joanna Wiebe
Co-founder of Copy Hackers and Airstory

Joanna is one of the most avidly followed and widely respected professionals in business and sales copy.
Molly Pittman
Vice President and Traffic Manager for Digital Marketer

Molly is personally responsible for creating, optimizing, and maintaining Digital Marketer’s perpetual “rush hour” traffic.
Pat Flynn
Founder and CEO of SmartPassiveIncome.com

Pat made his first $3 million in passive income and now teaches other “regular people” how to replicate his success.
Teresa Heath-Wareing
Founder and Company Director at THW Marketing

Teresa is a distinguished author and social media expert with over 12 years’ experience working for a range of international brands.
Brennan Dunn
Founder of Double Your Freelancing

Brennan worked as a freelancer for 7 years before creating Double Your Freelancing to help entrepreneurs scale their sales through smart automation and effortlessly sell their products.
Nathalie Lussier
Founder of AmbitionAlly

Nathalie is a digital strategist and online marketing master who specializes in helping small business owners develop money-making ideas that match their ambition.
Will Hamilton
Owner, Fuzzy Yellow Balls

Will is the owner and guiding force behind Fuzzy Yellow Balls, a six-figure niche education site where tennis players around the world can improve their game for free online.
Bob Jenkins
Manager of Marketing Education at Leadpages

Bob grew his personal email list to 30,000+ subscribers and has trained thousands of entrepreneurs on list building strategies while contributing to Leadpages’ rapid growth using his email marketing strategies.
Dave Lee
CEO of PlusThis

Dave created PlusThis – a massive vault of add-ons and integrations – to make Infusionsoft, Drop, and Ontraport as easy and effective as possible for busy SMBs and entrepreneurs.
Jim Pedicone
Director of Marketing at Design Pickle

Jim has made it his professional mission to provide SMBs and entrepreneurs with professional design, so they can stop agonizing over getting their “look” right and get back to business.
Nate Grahek
Founder of StickyAlbums

Nate built his company from 0 to 1.5K customers in 3 months… with no programming experience or venture capital by making it possible for photographers to leverage mobile technology to get more out of their businesses.
Andy Fossett
Co-Founder and CEO of GMB Fitness 

Andy is a lifelong martial artist and former schoolteacher who created GMB Fitness to give users the physical autonomy to pursue what they love with smart, fun exercises that defy the usual physical education program.
Josh Braaten
Co-Founder and CEO of Brandish Insights

Josh created Brandish Insights – the world’s first brand analytics platform – to provide entrepreneurs and SMBs with a “Google Analytics” for their brand, helping them improve performance and better revenue outcomes.
Anna Jacobsen
Education Director of Leadpages’ Drip Consultant Certification Program

Anna is the creator of Drip’s Consultant Certification Program which she uses to teach startups how to modernize their email marketing.


You get to stay home…

You get to save your money…

And you get to put their notes to work for your business on your schedule.

Even better— they spend a single week cleaning up and formatting their event notes so you can search for what you need, when you need it.

I think it’s more than fair to say that our notes are the next best thing to being there…

…especially when you consider that attendees spent anywhere from $650 to $2,000…  

…and – if you jump on this now before the price goes up – you only have to spend… this!

==> Only $17!


And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive:

Sales Conversions Strategy Pack

My own collection of the best conversions tutorials out there!

Sounds good?   Indeed… Tim is known as the Master Note Converter….

And something from Leadpages…..

What’s not to adore?

Grow strong,

Barb “I like Done For You!” Ling

==> PS:  bonuses too!
