Quick Recap: =>Chapter 2: Evergreen: (Making Affiliate Marketing Easy (my story, but you can bypass my years

Quick Recap: =>Chapter 2: Evergreen: (Making Affiliate Marketing Easy (my story, but you can bypass my years


Barb Ling here and earlier this went live…. and it’s time for Chapter 2!

One of the reasons why I became the number 2 affiliate back in W+ a few years ago….

I didn’t *just* follow the new trends.

Gnope, not at all!

Instead, I would always *repromote* products that my list members liked in the past and in just about every case…

Sale would fly off the shelves.

Now, some of the benefits included:

* My list is appreciative because they might have missed the launch

* Some times, I can request an extra coupon from the vendor

* Sometimes I could even get my own commissions bumped!

Thing is, though…

If you’re just starting out in affiliate marketing, you might not even have that list I mentioned above.

==> That’s why this latest goodie is so cool:

It *includes* evergreen offers in the software *and* helps provide the traffic.

Definitely something to check out!

And if you missed Chapter 1… here we go:


now, what you might not realize is that a few years ago, I was the #2 affiliate in W+.

Alas, due to nonoptimal health, that’s changed (yay growing older)….

… but the *true* main ways of profiting via affiliate marketing has NOT.

It requires you to:

First build a list that you can send affiliate offers to (makes sense, right?)

And once that list is built, you have a ready-made-for-you audience where you can share all your goodies!

See, though, the thing is….

With the big huge end of the year coming up, standing up ahead of the hype and froth can be… challenging.

And that’s why the following is *so* cool.

I built my list from scratch.  I’ve created over 100 products…

I’ve done over 100 webinars…

I’ve … paid my dues.  And I’m happy to have done it all!

But what if you don’t want to wait for that?

Well then!  Enter THIS cool software like so:


==> Copy/paste Super Affiliate system

Your Benefits:   You get a total done-for-you system to help ramp up your affiliate commissions

who should buy this:  People who want to take advantage of Affiliate Marketing/eMail marketing in 2020

Who should not buy this:  Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor:  Claustrophobic people are more productive thinking outside the box.   🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Still struggling to make it happen?

Well then, this just went live!

It includes:


Login to the beginner-friend Commission Replicator cloud-based web software


Choose one of the included DFY campaigns or create your own from scratch in SECONDS


Activate the traffic, and watch the commissions roll in, then just rinse and repeat!

==> See for yourself here!

You also get:

  • Push-button software AUTOMATICALLY creates winning bonus pages for ANY offer – use the included DFY campaigns OR make custom bonus pages for ANYTHING you want to promote
  • OVER 15+ complete DFY campaigns for TOP CONVERTING, evergreen affiliate funnels – including bonus pages, bonus products AND email swipes
  •  … EVEN if you’re starting from scratch!

More benefits are:

for creating STUNNING bonus pages that convert prospects into commissions

make profits right out of the gate with these top-converting, evergreen offers

save hundreds per year by having ALL your bonus pages hosted on our premium servers

5+ professionally-written emails for EACH of the included campaigns … optimized to convert for a truly plug’n’profit solution!

use these as you like to maximize your commissions per promo

increase profits with the PROVEN power of scarcity on your bonus pages

be up and running FAST just by watching these over the shoulder guides

act fast to enjoy our powerful methods for driving 100% free traffic

make higher commissions, more often … with premium bonus pages that position YOU as the expert in any niche

Good stuff indeed!

And because this is a solo offer, purchase now and receive my own MMO Quick Reference Authority Rolodex

My own collection of the BEST 2020 MMO profiting tutorials!

Sounds good?  I think so – affiliate marketing made easy… what’ not to adore?


Grow strong,

Barbara “More Sales!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

PS – and more details?  Grab this quick read:

  • Q. What’s Commission Replicator all about?

It’s a PROVEN method AND software for making daily, passive affiliate commissions in any niche.

  • Q. How much time do I need to put in daily?

Thanks to the cloud based software, all it takes is about 15 minutes to set up profitable campaigns.

Remember … you can do this everyday OR whenever you feel like it – the system works around YOUR schedule … it’s all about how much you want to make

  • Q. Will I need any experience or tech skills?

NONE! The only requirement is the use of a computer and internet access – you can do this from literally ANYWHERE in the world!

  • Q. Will I have to pay for traffic?

We provide various different traffic generation strategies.

  • Q. Will the software work on my Mac?

For sure – it’s a 100% cloud-based solution so it runs perfectly on ANY operating platform or computer.

  • Q. How long before I start making money?

Obviously this will vary by user – but MOST of our beta testers were making profits within 24 hours of starting.

  • Q. How can I start?

 Walk this way!