Quick Recap: =>Beginners eCom Affiliate Marketing… made easy?

Quick Recap: =>Beginners eCom Affiliate Marketing… made easy?


Barb Ling here and here’s the latest that has crossed me path!


==>  eCom Goodness!

Your Benefits:   You get Software that lets you build ecom sites via 1 click and more!

Who should buy this:  People who want to profit from affiliate marketing and more

Who should not buy this:  Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor:  “Why are eggs not very much into jokes? Because they could crack up!”  🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Want you a 1 click software goodness that builds affiliate sites?

We’re talking:


Login to the OMG Profitz cloud-based web software…


Pick a Done-For-You niche and import 1000s of products to your site.


Push ONE BUTTON and your Brand New Ecom Store is ready to accept payments into your account every day from the comfort of your own home


==> See more at 

Want more ideas?

Create Ecom Stores In Just
60 Seconds

Now you can create your Ecom stores in just a few clicks. All it takes is just 60 seconds to go from No Store to having a fully loaded Ecom Store.

No Domain Or Hosting Needed – We Got You Covered.

With OMG Profitz, you will never need any expensive hosting or even a domain name to start making sales & commissions, we host all your stores for you & they run on our powerful servers with zero overheads for you.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Earn Commissions From Ecom – Create Affiliate Sites

Don’t want to sell or dropship products? No worries. You can turn your Ecom Site into an Affiliate Site in just 1-Click without having to do any manual work and just earn passive commissions from your sales..

Add 100s Of Products To
Your Store In 1-CLICK

You will never have to manually create products, add details or upload images, videos or reviews ever again, with this software you can instantly select from over 5 MILLION products on AliExpress and add them to your store in just 1-Click.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Fully SEO Optimized Stores – Rank High Easily

Get free SEO traffic from the top search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing automatically – every page is automatically SEO optimized for the best rankings.

Automated List Building –

We made this so it can not only earn commissions and make sales but also BUILD Your List – with multiple list building systems like Aweber, Getresponse and Mailchimp integrated into this software you can get leads automatically with your free viral traffic..

==> It’s waiting for you!

Sell In Any Currency You Want From Your Store

Supports Major Currencies like USD, GBP, EUR, AUS and many others, you can run a global business from your home using the OMG Ecom Store.

Sell Physical And Digital Products

There is no limit to only selling physical Ecom products. You can also sell digital downloadable products, ebooks, software apps too.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Sell Using Multiple Payment Gateways

We designed this to work with Paypal, Cash on Delivery, Credit Cards, 2Checkout and many other leading payment gateway systems.

Set Flat Or Floating Shipping Rates Based On Regions

You can charge for shipping in multiple ways, based on region, flat rate or product weight etc and charge more for multiple units. Make more money in shipping while having great margins on products.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Automatically Set Prices & Profit Margin For Your Store

Pre-set Price Multiples and Margins for Your Imported Products and have automatic pricing on your Ecom Store – No Manual Work.

Select & Add 1000s Of Hot
Selling Products

Add the Best Selling, Hot Products from AliExpress to your Store and See Stats for Last 30 Days + Product Ratings from Source to pick the best products to sell
from your store.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Automatically Add Product Details+Reviews & Sync Products

OMG Profitz automatically gets Product Descriptions, Images, Details, Videos and even REVIEWS from AliExpress to add to your Store

“BUY For Me” – Sales Module Gets You More Sales Easily

Allows visitors to ask their loved ones or family members to buy an item for them, creates urgency and scarcity + referral traffic at the same time.

==> It’s waiting for you!

OMG Traffic – Viral Referral Traffic System

For every visitor that comes to your site, this viral traffic system turns it into 10 visitors using the amazing technology built into every site you create so you never have to worry about traffic again.

Referral Awards – Give Away Coupons & Discounts

Award visitors with coupons and discount codes for referring new visitors, create a viral, gamified way to drive more traffic to your Store.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Automatic Referral Triggers & Sends Emails Instantly

Automatically send emails to visitors and customers to award them and refer more people to your store without any manual work

Automatically Sync Product Details, Prices & Stock

Your Ecom Store works hand in hand with AliExpress to get you the latest product details, prices, stock and inventory of products so you have the latest info on your site every single day.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Automatic Social Traffic For
Your Ecom Store

OMG Profitz connects to Pinterest, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium and many other popular social networks to drive social traffic to you.

Chrome Extension Included For Product Search & Import

Comes with a Chrome Extension that allows you to search, update and add products to your store and also helps with order fulfillment.

==> It’s waiting for you!

1-Click Order Fulfillment – Save Time & Deliver Orders Fast

No need to jump through hoops to deliver products, just 1-Click and you can place your order on Aliexpress with shipping and tracking.

Stunning One Page Checkout System For Faster Sales

Designed to convert visitors into sales using a simplified one page checkout system that creates frictionless shopping experience.

==> It’s waiting for you!

Nothing To Install Or Setup – This Is Fully Cloud Based

We made this so simple and easy that you don’t even have to install anything, its fully cloud based. Just login to your OMG Profitz account and start creating your Ecom Stores in just 60 seconds.

==> It’s waiting for you!

And because it’s a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive my own

eCom Strategy Pack

My own collection of the best ecom strategies online!

Sounds good?  Indeed – if you have yet to see success via affiliate marketing, this might be exactly what you’re looking for!

Grow strong,

Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator


ps – Bonuses too!