Quick Recap: ==> Autoblogging done for you (it even adds current viral videos, creates traffic and: Traffikrr Lite

Quick Recap: ==> Autoblogging done for you (it even adds current viral videos, creates traffic and: Traffikrr Lite

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and want you a not ONLY an autoblogger….

… but a VIDEO autoblogger….

… one that pulls in the FRESHEST of viral videos to help you build a high-converting power moooola site?



==> Autoblogging Traffikrr!
Link at end

Your Benefits:  your site gets built automatically… with content people LOVE sharing… and THAT gets shared to your FB, Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr, and….


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Have you ever heard of autoblogging sites?

Sites that are created without any effort on your part (after you’ve set it up, of course)?


I LOVE autoblogging sites…. ‘matter of fact, my site, DailyWSOs.com – its been autoblogging now since 2012 (that’s 5 years!) …

Completely on autopilot.

Now, I use that site simply to get my links indexed within search engines.

And you’ll see, it’s pretty utilitarian.

But its been happily chugging along now since 2012!

So the concept of autoblogging is definitely *proven* beyond a shadow of a coffeecup.


Let’s look at *you*.

Your interests.  Your niches.   How you like making mooola and stuff.

You’re probably aware of this cool site called YouTube, right?

And you probably know that for every niche imaginable, there’s hundreds if not thousands of channels dedicated to it…

Packed to the brim with popular videos… videos that people LOVE sharing….

Wouldnt it be spiffy if you could automatically have all of those videos *embedded* right when they’re created…..

… into *your* site….

Your *monetized site*…..

… so more people can click on your links/buy from your link and much much more?

==> Course it would!

To wit:

Traffikrr Is The Ultimate All-In-One Viral Traffic & Sales Machine!

It’s a…

==> One Click Site Builder

Traffikrr creates a website for you with the click of a mouse. Simply paste a link to any YouTube channel and the software will search YouTube for the newest and freshest videos to use to create your site.

This means your site is created automatically….

… and your site is always filled with the highest quality content which means better engagement and ultimately more traffic and sales.


It’s ALSO a…

==> Traffic Getting Software

After Traffikrr builds your website, it automatically posts links on your Facebook page to get you tons of high-quality FREE traffic.

==> Catch that automatic traffic?

In addition to Facebook, the software also pings your latest video posts to Tumblr, Twitter & Linkedin for even MORE TRAFFIC!



==> Traffikrr Will Make You The Mooness!

When visitors hit your newly created website, you can put overlays with links to affiliate offers, CPA offers, or any kind of offer you want in seconds.

You can also make money through the various methods of advertising you could deploy onto the website that Traffikrr builds for you.

This is all in addition to building a HUGE LIST on complete autopilot with the optin overlay feature!

Start Getting Viral Traffic With The Help of Some of The Most Popular Channels on Youtube…
The Minute They Upload New Videos…

==> IT’s waiting for you!!

And the enhancements?

I hope you’re sitting down….

… an overlay optin box to help you build your list….

…a viral WP theme to enhance your income (its mobile friendly too!)

…case studies….

And my fav:

… a reseller opportunity so you get 75% across the funnel (including all upsells! – that’s $297 and I bought it the instant it came out)

==> Start your journey here!


And because this is a solo offer, buy thru my link and immediately receive :

My own $297 eMail Marketing Phoenix 3 week bootcamp recordings

Which teaches you exactly how to support your family by email marketing….  just like me!

Sounds good?    Gosh yes – a video autoblogger that you can monetize…..

What’s not to adore?



Barb Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Price increasing soon!!