Quick Recap: Another 100% across the funnel reseller oppportunity?: The Banger Method

Quick Recap: Another 100% across the funnel reseller oppportunity?: The Banger Method


Barb Ling here and remember that affiliate marketing method I had mentioned?

Well, one upsell is 100% commissions across the funnel....

So if you invest in that, you can promote to your list.... and receive 100% from *all* upsells too.

Nifty!  And the background?

In a nutshell, it shows you how to max out your affiliate marketing commissions to the tune of several thousand.

Case studies are included as well!

Training you'll receive includes:

==> Filtering Your Traffic
Throwing a bunch of affiliate links out there is the worst thing you can do. I'm going to show you how to build an asset you can tap into on-demand....

==> Creating Custom Bonuses
One of the things you should be doing is creating custom bonuses to use during promotions. Don't worry, there's nothing complicated about doing this...

==> 3X Conversion Rates
Here's proof of how we use bonus pages to get a 3X higher conversion rate and make more money with less traffic during affiliate promotions...

==> Delivering Your Bonuses
Not only are we going to show you how to deliver your bonuses, we are going to tell you a way to make even more commissions when you deliver them...

==> Structuring Bonus Pages
One of the most important aspects is bonus page structure. We structure all of our bonus pages the exact same way that is proven to convert...

==> Tricks and Tools
I'm going to show you the tools we use when constructing a bonus page that makes things much easier including tips on how to get higher CTR...

And the enhancements?

Done for you funnels...

... Coaching rights....

... Resell to the tune of 100% rights

See it all here!


More soon....

Barb "Chances be my middle name" Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps - There's an additional nice FTC compliance bonus included as well...