Quick Recap: ==>1pm EST: The Nifty Secrets to Online Challenges

Quick Recap: ==>1pm EST: The Nifty Secrets to Online Challenges

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly…

Today, Dennis and I will be giving out 1 hour zero cost webbie at 1pm EST that will reveal to you:

“The Secrets of Online Challenges” (and there was much rejoicing, yay!)

Join Dennis and Barb (that’s me!) as we share the very first challenge we did and the 8K+ revenue that resulted – you’ll discover:

How to get paid to create content

How to break that content out into 3-5-7 days

How to include an upsell at the end that can double your profit or way more!


And then, live attendees can ask us any IM-related questions you have.  Seize thy spot over at:

==> Even though it was the very first time we did this….. you’ll love what you discover!!

Sounds good?  Getting veteran’s insights as they happened….

What’s not to adore?


Grow strong,

Barb Ling

Authority Marketing Innovator

 ps – Space is limited!